Saturday, January 31, 2015

Still the new kid

Saturday WODs are rare for me.  I'm very selfish with my weekends, I admit it freely.  This weekend, however, I'm not as selfish.  I've got a standing check in with Amanda on Fridays... and I might just see about moving it to Saturday, since A, Friday is her half day, and B, it's one less thing to worry about on what are becoming increasingly busy Fridays.  I canceled this last Friday (I did call, so she wasn't stuck waiting), and wanted to make amends for it by showing up today.  A small bit of personal sacrifice...

Today was a good day to have a Saturday WOD.... I mean I'd love to have slept in, it's a cold rainy Saturday morning, but these cold rainy days are also usually good days to train. 

This is my second real workout at OT.  I haven't been here often yet (that changes if Feb), so I'm very much "the new guy" again.  This box is a bit bigger than any of my previous ones, and it seems there are new people everywhere....  lol.  "New to me" people everywhere.  I've already started spotting some regulars, see them every time I'm there, no matter when I show up, but met some more people today.  All the nice sort, people I've come to expect to be at a CrossFit box, I'm getting more comfortable here.  Good times. 

I don't know if I'm mental, or if the workouts here are longer or anything, but damn it feels like it.  The warm-ups alone are some peoples workouts.  Today was 4 rounds of 8 KB swings, 6 hang power cleans, 4 pullups, and 2 tall box jumps (they got a 30" pyramid box that looks ridiculous).  I get through that and we're quickly on to the clean progression warm ups.... I work my New Balance today.  I'm starting to like them less and less.  My first hang squat clean, I was at the bottom, and my balance was shite.  I almost fell backwards, had to put the bar out in front of me to get the balance back and pop tall.  I need another WOD shoe that isn't my lifters.  A, because the lifters are wearing out (the spot where the tongue attatches to the rest of the shoe is ripping), and B, because lifters suck for jumping. 

Moving on we get to the lifting pieces of the workout.  Squat hang cleans to a heavy ish weight.  Think I was at 115... which wasn't awful, but (and maybe it's the shoes) it was overly challenging... Now that I think about it, this IS a hang clean, so thats not a terrible weight... idk.  I've lost a lot of confidence in my lifting lately, and I'm not sure why.  January has been a rough month for me mentally it seems.  Anyway, after the cleans, we did 3 sets of 5 front squat at that same rate.  I'm getting better at keeping my chest up and arms up, little bit more is resting on the shelf, but I'm still in these damn New Balances, and I'm worried about my squat the whole time.  I got it done, wrists still hurt, need to use that built in shelf a bit more.  

Time for the WOD... they're calling it a chipper, but it says 17 min AMRAP.  I don't get it, but ok.  It's a long one, it's easier to copy/past to be honest:

30 Burpees
30 Double Unders
30 Power Clean – 135/95
30 Double Unders
30 Pull Ups
30 Double Unders
30 Shoulder to Overhead – 135/95
30 Double Unders
30 Toes to Bar
30 Double Unders

Great way to test capacity, and right at the top is my favorite exercise.  Guess I'll be getting better at these sooner than later anyway.  Clock starts, I got my fist... 12? burpees with jumping up, then the steps up start.  I didn't stop, and I don't think I sandbagged much.  I'm tired.  We were counting down from 17, so I'm not sure how long the 30 took... but I want to say I'm still sub 5.  Next up, sub 4 minutes.

Double Unders.... still don't have them.  I did, finally.  FINALLY, bought my rope.  We'll see if I can finally get some consistency.  It's nothing fancy, at least I don't think, but take a look, you be the judge.  The rope I had today was ok.  I think my biggest challenge is dealing with ropes that have kinks.  This one had a small kink, and then there is the whole being tired bit, so I didn't jump terribly well. 

The power cleans were at a light 75.  Amanda emphasized speed, and wanted people to pick weights they could do 10 in a row of.  I was going to do 95, but I'm glad I listened.  I'm a bit winded at this point, so the 75's are pretty easy from a wight perspective.  The movement wasn't especially good, pretty sure I muscle cleaned a lot of them.  *shrug*.  More DU's (which, until I tell you otherwise, really mean singles).  The second set went better than the first.  The pullups, are ring rows, and I had already decided to break it up into sets of 4.  I don't know why 5 is so much more difficult than 4, but at 4 I always seem to pull a solid "strict" ring row, the longer I go, the more back and hip arch seem to creep in.  Coachs, if you see this, talk to me, help me get it right, or at least better.

Thirds set of jumping sucked.  It was very broken up, but I kept moving.  Ended the "AMRAP on the shoulder to overhead.  I chose the push press as my method, and got something like 16, for a total of 201 reps.  Not awful, but not the best results, especially knowing some cats were on their second round.  Gotta get faster.... going to get faster. 

Thought the workout today, had a few people offering me tips and suggestions...  I appreciate it.  They aren't really needed, I know where I mess up, but they are appreciated.  Plus, it's a chance to get to know folks.  Still the new kid.  LOL.  They'll learn, I'll learn, we'll all move forward. 

Quick hit things. 

Next week there is a local competition at OT, I might go to see one, and of course help out.  We'll see, I'm notorious with my weekends if you recall. 

The Navarre's have inspired me to design some of my own gear.  We'll see what comes of it. 

Not much else, these ideas come and go quickly.  Glad I got a good workout in today, ready for next week.  Cheers!

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