Thursday, January 22, 2015

That good bad good stuff.

YEEEEEEEEAAAH!   I'm feeling really freaking good.  Endorphins are still coming in 3 hours later.  This was one of those workouts that sucks and is awesome.  I haven't had one of these in a while... I miss it, and I needed this today.  I was tired... still am, but work has been beating on me.  Doing my job while trying to learn someone elses... it's been rough.  I need more fuel, better fuel.  I didn't ask Carla to make me anything today (I'm usually not here Thursday), I did get to meet her for the first time though.  Hey Carla!  Getting off track a little, back to the food.  Dinner ended up being BK... nuggets, and a whopper... with cheese.  It's sitting REALLY heavy right now, but it was sooooo good for about 10 minutes.  Shame on me. 

Ok, confession over, lets talk about this nasty awesomeness.  Started off with Unlocked's back squat progression.  I don't know exactly where they are in it, but it looks like fairly early... ok, honestly, I couldn't tell you that without asking a coach.  Either way, it's been a long while since I've done back squats.  It was good getting under the bar again.  I went with another guys lighter weight since it had been a while.  It was still a good burn.  Think it was 5 @ 50%, 5 @ 60%, max reps at 85%.  I did 10 for my max reps (weight was only 160).  I think I could have done more... I should have done more, but I was happy with 10.  Kicked off the lifters, and got ready for the next part... what I wasn't looking forward to.


As fast as possible.  There were like 16 of us?  Idk.  But they were plate burpees, so burpee, jump on the plate, jump down, burpee.  So 8 people went while 8 people counted.  Peer pressure, along with having someone count, and knowing everyone is going to be waiting on me... effing sucks.  So I get to go first.  Jeremy Navarre is my partner for this...or counter to be more accurate.  He's one of the coaches here at Unlocked, dude is a monster.  Physical.  Specimen.  So I've got superman counting for me.  LOL.  This whole thing proved one thing, when I get tired, I SUCK at counting.  I thought I was further ahead than I was 3 different time, and then he'd call out a number.  There haven't been too many WODs where I've had to do a bunch of burpees in a row, for time or as an AMRAP, or anything in between. 

The first 10 weren't awful.  I think I bounced up for most of them, but that was about all the jumping juice I had.  Guy next to me, Adam, I think he was already on 18 though.  LOL.  I kept moving, Jeremy always near by, saying encouraging things.  Somewhere around 15, I get the sense most people were done.  I'm hearing more people say things like keep it up Dan!  Great.  I mean I'm happy for the encouragement, but at the same time the shy guy in me is like don't look!  I'm near 20 now.  Sweat is pouring off me.  It's at my feet, and in a steady line up to, on the plate, and past it.  Dave P just got done, and rather than sucking wind, he's now at my side, he's tossing motivation my way, I swear it sounded like he was smiling when he was telling me not to stop, and he said something about having another paragraph to write about tonight.  I gave him the best sideways look I had at the time.  I think I smiled too, but I can't be sure.  #oxygenchoices

The last 10 weren't necessarily "difficult", I wasn't experiencing muscle fatigue or anything.  I could feel my legs and shoulders burning a little (there IS still a lot of me coming up off the floor), but I was managing.  One of the things Jeremy said early on was that breathing was the big limiter here, and to keep breathing.  I kept breathing....and sweating... and moving.  Kept moving the whole way.  Last couple had just about everyone around... felt good, and mortifying at the same time.  I'll still take that every day.  I think I may have actually jumped onto the plat the last time.  4:36.  I had it in my mind that I wanted to beat 5 minutes.  I did.  I didn't think I'd stop, but it's good to know I didn't.  Side note, Dave P just texted me with an "atta boy".  Thank you sir. 

The second wave went next.  I though for sure Jeremy was going to crush everyone... Turns out another coach, Jeff Peet had other ideas.  They both dominated my time, sub 1:30 for both... dat gum. Shows me there is still a ways to go, but now I know what's possible.  Another side note.  Jeremy and his wife have started up a clothing company, and it seems to dovetail nicely with us CrossFit folks.  They even took these photo's tonight, so it's cool to see them and the shirts up so quickly.  Give it a click for me, maybe you'll find something you like?

AMRAP time.  Ascending ladder of hang power cleans and toes to bar.  3-6-9, etc.  7 minutes.  I was going to do 115, but Brian thought 95 would be better... he was right.   The first 3 cleans were tough enough... burpees kicking in maybe?  The toes to bar were interesting.  The rig... I don't remember it being THAT high.  I had to reach up and use the tip toe method.  I'm still doing knees to parallel... being off the ground that extra bit though, makes all the difference.  I was forced to hold on and pull up, rather than doing a touch n go on a lower rig... I liked it...until the second round.  I will pause right here and say that hanging from the bar, I can STILL feel the effects of last Fridays weighted med ball situps... Next 6 cleans weren't too bad.  The T2Bs I had to split up into sets of 3... and the tip toe method was done.  I could feel the calves cramping, round 3 would be the end of my WOD if I wasn't careful.  The hang cleans sucked now too.  3rd round had me dropping the bar 3 times.  Getting back to the rig, I used a box someone else was using to get up there... it wasn't in the best spot for me, and the way I did it didn't do my hands any favors either.  Got them done though, much less cramping as well. 

ROUND 4... I was already here, and that was my goal.  The cleans were now ugly... and thinking about it, I was doing muscle cleans more than power cleans, it's ok to dip a little next time buddy.... get a rhythm for goodness sake... when I got back to the rig, I did something I don't recall having ever done at Unlocked before..... or at least I haven't done it in a long time.  What is it you ask?  I went to the bucket of chalk.  My hands HURT... so I put a little on there to get2B.  Didn't help a lot, but it was something.  I ended up with 6 more cleans before time ran out.  My hands are still tender all this time later. 

All in all, a sucky, brutal, awesome workout.  Still a little miffed about my calves cramping up, I'll have to look into that.  Talked to Brian about getting faster at the burpees.  He gave an unwanted, but probably VERY useful suggestion.  Do 10 burpees as fast as possible after every workout (at least 3) for a week, then do 15 the next week, then 20, etc till you get to 40.  Said I wouldn't believe the improvement.  He's probably right... but damn thats a lot of buprees! 

The one thing that sucks about not being home is not having some of the normal things in my car, like a pen and paper... I had two great topics come to mind on the way back to the hotel... and they're not lost in the woods of Sussex County, DE.  Le Sigh.  Ok, well I'll leave this here then, got to get up at 0345 tomorrow, have no idea what DC traffic is like, and I'd rather get their early than get stuck in traffic. 

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