Monday, January 26, 2015


Yeah, you read that right, we did 12.3.  Before we get into that, I want to pat myself on the back.  The whole drive home, I was hungry.  Forgot to get Carlas Buffalo Chicken two weeks in a row.  I've been super stressed at work.... anyway, so I weighted and dismissed several fast food options.  Just went to the store and got what i needed. 

Oh, in other news, my company has decided to change the per diem amounts to help our clients out....which is great for our clients.  Sucks for me though.  I'm in south Delaware, not known for its high amounts... and they just cut it by 20%.  Sigh, not your problem, I'm just venting.  Might have to get creative with meals. 
Add some veggies and store brand chicken... won't be healthy, but it would be cheap. 

Moving on to the workout tonight at CF Unlocked.  The first 10 minutes of the workout were dedicated to skill work.  To be honest, I typically skirt skill work.  Today I tried to do some handstand holds against the wall...  I did ok, and it's more than I might have done the week or even day before.  I'm trying to get better all around, need to stop ducking this stuff.  So I got nice and sweaty trying to do this stuff... even think I may have messed my shoulder up a little.  Glad I packed my lax ball. 

On to the meat of this workout.  18 minute AMRAP of 15 box jumps, 12 push press, and 9 toes to bar.  For me this is step ups, push press at 95, and knees to parallel.  I grabbed a 12" box at first, and then thought I'd grab an 18" box, and swap when I got tired.  Made sense at the time. 

So we start, and I'm the last one to get done.  It's been a long time since I've done step ups, let alone to an 18" box.  The push presses seem to be more difficult than they should be.  This is like 50% of my 1RM... why is this so difficult?  I get those done... and the toes to bar.  Remembering what happened just a few day ago, I paced myself.  I used several different bars, some high, some low.  No craps.  Only knock is that fact I think the impact is doing something to my ankle, it's sore as hell right now.  Probably swollen... I think I should elevate this. 

The workout was arduous, but I didn't stop... at least not fully.  Steps ups were consistent if not slow.  I am happy with the fact I didn't switch boxes to the smaller one.  I may have gotten more rounds with that, but this was arguably the better workout.  I do think I need more supervision... I found around round 4, with Jeff in front of me, seemingly watching, I was able to string together more push presses that when he wasn't.  HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO develop more mental toughness. 

Ended up with 5 rounds and 2 reps.  I actually took the time to do 2 more step ups at the end.  Something I may not have done a week ago.... so there is some mental toughness there.  I stayed on top of the box for a little bit.  Just about everyone else was on the ground, or sitting on a box.  I decided to put up my bar before I did anything.  I don't know why I care so much about not sitting down, but it's what I do.  While everyone else was resting, I was putting up my gear.  It's what I do. 

Alright, I know there was something else, but I'm trying to get some good sleep.  Catch you later. 

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