Wednesday, January 7, 2015


I had several clever ideas for the title of this one, and they've all evaporated with dinner and work.  Something will show up later I hope.  Moving on, tonight was a nice little WOD.  Inspired by Fight Gone Bad.  Maybe they should call it Pillow Fight Gone Bad, because my arms are toast...most of the people had calf issues.... and I laughed at them for it, then, when getting in my car, in the dark, by myself... had a nasty nasty calf cramp.  #karma

The warmup today was bad for me.  I hate situps.  Especially when it's supposed to be 100 of them.  After the Lurong cool down we did months ago, I discovered that 100 is just too much for me.  I've gotten better but I'm not quite there.  Oh, and this warmup was with a partner.  While one was doing situps, the other held plank.  We started strong, but faded quick, or at least I did.  25, then 20, then 10, 10, 10 done.  That last 10 for me, I was THROWING my arms forward, and it was everything I had just to break parallel.

Pop up from that and time to do our FGB.  Calorie row, KB swings, double unders, pullups, and pushups.  I started on the rower, thought I'd do the best here.  After the first pull of the rower, it was evident that I use my abs more than I ever knew.  My rows suffered the first two rounds, then after that, they rowing just sucked for more obvious reasons. 

I used too light a KB, didn't make it go any faster the second third of fourth rounds though.  I need to get that mental toughness back, stop going for the easy way out.

DU's... still didn't happen, but I feel I'm getting better at jumping longer.  And I'm more convinced than ever that I need my own rope.  Maybe for my birthday?

Pullups were more ring rows.  I can't wait to get a band and start doing pullups.  I don't know that 4 banded pullups is better than 20 ring rows, but I'd feel quite a bit more accomplished.  In due time I guess.  The pushups weren't anything spectacular, more princess pushups.  The one highlight was that I was able to push hard through the last round and had a higher number than any previous round. 

Ended up with 372 I think.  Comparing it to FGB, I thought I was the man.... till everyone was yelling out 500+ scores.  LOL.  Oh well, it was a good workout for me.  Going to get some much needed sleep tonight, then a rest day tomorrow, then back to On Track for more fun.  Cheers!

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