Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Double Dipping

Greetings!  It's been a wild day.  To catch you up, didn't work out since the 100 situps on Wednesday.  I JUST got over the soreness today.  Long time to have achy breaky abs....

Alarm went off at 0500, since I missed Monday night, I needed to make up some ground, so morning WOD at Unlocked.  Everything was going well, driving along... about halfway there, did a quick inventory.  Progenex, check.  All dressed, check.  Lifters for the WOD... ch... nope.  Dammit!  Oh well, too late to go back.  Time to soldier on. 

Got there, got stretched, ready to go.  Strict Press 1RM.  No lifters, no problem.  Got my first warmup set done with the bar, then I took off the shoes.  Weird walking around the box in socks.  Kept working with two other guys.  They both tapped out early.  First time out doing all the guys in a class (remember, it IS 0545...).  Still, I had a small prideful smile.  I only went one lift past the last guy, and ended up with a 145. 

I wasn't happy with it, I thought it should be higher.  Wasn't till I checked the numbers today that I saw it was a 10lb PR over the previous.  Guess thats a good way to start the day (even thought I didn't know it then).  On to the AMRAP.  12 minutes total.  1 minute squat cleans, 1 minute push jerk.  2 minutes squat cleans, 2 minutes push jerk.  3 minutes worth of squat clean, then, finally 3 minutes of push jerks.  Still shoeless, I gave this the good ol college try.  I can tell I'm doing much better than I was last week, or the week before that.  Still not a great total, but I did better each round (as I should mind you).  57 was my total, and I thought it was pretty good... till Amanda belted out 137... or something like that.  Dayum.  Oh well, still room to grow. 

I swear I'm the only one that sweats.  By the time we were done, I had a nice line of sweat beads on the floor.  I hope it stays like this for a long time, makes me feel like I've put in a good days work. 

Fast forward 12 hours, and I'm at CrossFit Diamond State.  We've done some stretching and everyone ready to go.  Strict Press!  Dammit!  LOL.  I didn't do as much as everyone else.  I might have been able to, but I didn't push it, felt a little hitch in my left shoulder, and shut it down.  Still, it didn't hurt, so thats a good thing right?  The AMRAP was... well, quite similar to Unlocked's.  Almost like they were planned from the same book.  21-18-15-12-9-6-3 of power cleans and situps.  12 minute time cap. 

I was worried about this one.  Having JUST recovered from my last bout of situps, I was leery.  So I decided (while doing them) that I was going to scale down the total number of reps.  I think I did 15 or so the first time, 13, the second etc.  Let me backup.  The weight I was using was 75 instead of the Rx 95.  I had it in my head that I was already beat from the first time, so I went lighter... that and the 12 minute cap had me worried.  I got the first 21 done without dropping the bar (another nice feeling), after that everything was broken up, cleans and situps.  I wont bother you with the details, but I moved pretty quick, minimal rest, and got done at 9:42.  In retrospect, maybe I should have done all the situps, I feel ok right now (we'll see in the morning).  At the same time, I may have not finished... too late for regrets or what ifs, tomorrow is a new day.  Speaking of a new day, it's after midnight.  I need that sleep.  Catch you tomorrow. 

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