Monday, January 5, 2015

Canceled flights, AMRAPs, and the new year starting off right

Today was a mixed blessing kind of day.  First flight was canceled, next flight delayed... when I finally got to Philly, it was late, too late to get to my client site... got my rental at 4pm.  Here is where things started getting better.  Rental is a Chevy Traverse, with a pretty sweet trim package.  Good thing too, I hear it's supposed to snow.  Hit the Philly traffic, and me oh my, look at the time... guess we'll just swing into CrossFit Diamond State. 

Showed up, surprised everyone.  It was great fun.  Got a great WOD to get back on the horse.  I'm going to keep it pretty brief, I've missed a day to catch up on emails... the same emails I've missed the past two weeks... We did some back squats.  I'm stronger than I remember, but I the last set we were going for reps, and I punked out at 4.  Goal was 8.  Mental strength has left me... Need to work hard to get that back. 

The AMRAP was a 10 minute sprint.  3 rounds.  10 lunges with a front rack of weights.  100m run.  10 burpee box jump overs.  100m run.  I did everything to the 8.  8 lunges, 8 burpees.  Still did the 100m, but it was rowing.  I wanted to get the impact of the workout without beating myself into submission again, I was also concerned about my lack of water.  Let me explain.  You know how you get those cracked knuckles once in a while?  Thats what my entire hand looked like this morning at the airport.  I have been severely lacking in the water department for most of the break.  Short story is that I had plumbing issues in the new house, didn't want to have to use the bathroom more than necessary...  So all of that made me decide on 8.  I finished at 9:39.  Looks like the right call. 

Awesome way to get back in the workout.  I'm looking forward to tomorow at Unlocked... even thought they're doing some similar stuff.  LOL.  Need to get these quads back in shape. 

Side notes, drank 4 L today, going for 6 tomorrow.  Left my Progenyx at home... dummy.  Did pick up some fish oil.  We'll make it work. 

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