Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Happy Birthday

Man, I was mad as hell last night.  Got off work, was trying to get out of Seaford and up to CFDS, and this construction at this light... which wasn't the problem, but the drivers between myself and the light... couldn't figure out how to navigate between orange barrels.  They all did this serpentine maneuver to go through the cones... I drove straight, no problems, didn't hit a one.... idiots.  This took almost 15 minutes, and then as I was driving up north, traffic refused to go over the speed limit.  After about 15 more minutes, I was about 20 minutes behind where I needed to be, so I got fed up, turned around and went back to the hotel.  Couldn't even make it back to Unlocked at that point.  So disappointed.  Ended up going to dinner with the largest group of work people yet down here (8).  Had fettuccine alfredo.  Bad day all around. 

Moving on from that disappointment, we come to today, my birthday.  I woke up, so thats a plus.  Woke up early to go WOD.  Thats even better.

Got to catch up a little with Coach Brian DeLeon, 4th place masters finisher at this years Wodapalooza (however it's spelled).  Proud of him.  The only question I had after congratulating him was if he'd learned anything.  He said yes with a good sized smile.  Thats good.  Means next comp, he'll be even more prepared, and will beat out the others.  I have lofty goals for myself and others...  Anyway, like I said, congrats to him, and the boy wonder Trace who claimed top honors in the 16-18 division. 

Todays workout seems to me like a bit of a midweek rest day type of WOD.  It really wasn't all that bad.  The first 10 minutes we did skill work.  Ring dips and handstand holds.  Still can't do either, but I modified them.  It's funny, doing the dips.  I'm pushing with everything I've got to get to a locked out position, which is great.  But my feet or at least one foot is still on the ground.  I realize it's still a lot of weight I'm tyring to move up and down, but I'm struggling with just a portion of my weight... long road ahead.  It's ok though, it's going to be awesome to do my first ring dip with a band, then without, then, eventually, a muscle up.  Begin with the end in mind. 

The handstand holds are in a very similar position.  I still struggle walking back up the wall, and I wasn't feeling it today.  I don't even think this is the highest I've been on the wall....  I did step onto the wall and just held the position for as long as I could.  Baby steps.  Shoulders and quads are big on my list of to do's this year.  I hope to have this figured out by summer. 

Speaking of summer... sweating... like most people I'm not sweating AS much, but I'm still dripping wet most days.  After Monday, I went to wash my hands, and I looked like I was stoned out of my mind.  Eyes were about the most bloodshot I'd seen them.  I'm really thinking about wearing a sweat band more often.  Chirs over at has recommended Halo brand headbands, I may try them. 

The WOD today wasn't awful.  10-8-6-4-2 push jerk at 135 1-2-3-4-5 MU's (double that if chest to bar), and on the dashes, 25 DU's. 

I went heavier than I would have, and I'm glad Brian suggested I do that.  115.  It got heavy quick, but I was able to do most of the push jerks unbroken, and with decent form.  The round of 8 I dropped the bar, but that was it.  Solid effort.  The MU's... were ring rows for me, they weren't awful, but they weren't spectacular either.  I need to work myself back to starting under the bar, or negative, and make this a killer workout.  I think I'm still in the good zone, but I can do more I think. 

The double unders... they get their own paragraph.  I'm buying a rope today.  I tried to find one here, and I found one that was the perfect lengthy, but the rope was so beat up... I think I got 7 unbroken singles before I had to start over.  Irritating as hell.  Can't wait to not have to deal with this.

I got the WOD done in less than 10 minutes, when it comes around again, I'm going to shoot for under nine.  I didn't tell Brian it was my birthday until well into when folks have cooled down.  :)  Jeff might have something in store for tomorrow anyway, so I'll be ready regardless. 

Last thing.  Tried this mystery meat popular out here called scrapple... and I tried it from a place that came highly recommended.  I wasn't impressed.  It wasn't bad, it just wasn't what I thought it was going to be (which was, in a word, amazing).  Next time you're in Kansas City, try the Z Man from Oklahoma Joes/Joes Kansas City.  That is a BBQ sandwich worth trying.  Anyway, I digress.  Happy Hump day to you and yours!


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