Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Simple doesn't mean easy

Aint that the truth!  Last nights WOD at Unlocked was simple.  Looked easy on paper... those bastards get you every time.  5 movements total for the night.  No big deal.  Split it in roughly half, and you have an EMOM of 12 minutes, and an 8 minute AMRAP.  This should be great.  And it was, till it wasn't.  :) 

This cold evening found me at the newly remodeled Unlocked.  They've added lots of cubbys to store gear in while you're there, and a counter/bar with check-in stuff and some announcements on it.  They've been busy since I've been gone.  Good to see folks, but now it's time to throw some weights around. 

I hate warmups where I have to broad jump.  It's 100% mental for me.  I baby the heck out of my knees, so drying to jump that far, doesn't work for my baby strategy.  That and having my belly slap against my body and make a very audible slap sound... I cringe every time.  I just don't like it, so I half ass that every time so I don't have to hear that.  High knees, butt kickers and the like aren't really all that fun either... huffing and puffing after a warmup just isn't fun.  Necessary for some workouts, but that doesn't mean I like it :P

EMOM today of 4 deadlifts at 75% of your training 1RM.  MATH!  I had seen this earlier in the day, and knew I needed a 45 and 35 on each end to hit that number.  Ended up with a 45 and 25.  This was one of the bigger classes I've been to at Unlocked, and we ran out of all but the smallest weights.  Good problems to have from a business/box perspective, not so much from a workout perspective. 

EMOM was 12 minutes.  4 deadlifts, then for the remainder of the minute to the 45 second mark, you do jumpovers.  Side to side is the preferred method.  I'm still not comfortable leaving my feet jumping side to side, so I do this sort of Heisman high step jump thing.  Not the same, but not so different as to be wrong.  I don't think.  I'm moving, that matters right?  Anyway, this was tiring, especially towards the end.  With the lateral jumping, my glutes and the sides of my things... my outer outer outer glutes?  ... those were struggling to keep up.  I thought for sure I would be super sore today... didn't quite happen that way, seem to be working fine.  I did a solid job on the deadlifts, kept it at or under 20 seconds of time for the most part.  There were a few (half?) of the jump overs that I just did step overs.  Couldn't convince my legs to do exactly what I wanted... I need to become a better salesman.  

Everyone was gasping for air after that.  2 movements for 12 minutes.  They even let us rest 15 seconds!  Guess we were doing some decent work if we're all still struggling after that.  I prefer to move while I try to recover, so I started to get my bar ready for the AMRAP.  Rx was 115.  I'm close to it (did 95), I'm SO very glad I didn't do it last night.  The AMRAP was 6 front rack lunges (like at CFDS the night before), into 2 bear complex, and then a bastard.  The kicker is that for each round you complete, you add another bastard at the end. 

I knew I was in trouble after the first set of lunges.  I didn't go super deep with them, and I was still struggling mightily.  Figured I could re assess after my first bear complex.  The bear complex, for those that don't know, in it's most broken down aspect, is a power clean, front squat, push press, bring the bar down on the back for a back squat, and then another pushpress.  If you've got the juice, then it's a squat clean, thruster, back squat, back thruster 1.  I did have the juice for my first bear.  The second I got done smooth enough, but my quads were toast.  Not even finished with my first rep, and I already wanted to quit.  The burpee was the icing on the cake.  My hands are better, been using a thick layer of Vaseline on the knuckles at night, they're almost back to normal. 

The second set of lunges we're uglie than the first, and I had to set the bar down after 4.  My right quad just didn't want to do much in the way of work tonight I guess.  It was crying like newborn with colic.  The next two hurt just as bad, but I was finishing the sets on that right leg, and it was taking away any momentum every time I went to it.  This second set of bears, broke each move down individually.  95lbs is getting hard to press, particularly from the back position.  I'm struggling now.  Call goes out for 4 minutes, halfway done with the time, and I haven't finished 2 reps yet.  WOW. 

What happened next wasn't very fun, but necessary.  I got my lunges done 2 at a time, dropping the bar and rubbing on my quads briefly at each reset.  I'm still so dat gum slow though.  Call for 2 minutes left is out, and I'm just now starting my second bear.  Get done, 90 seconds.  Burpee, "jump over the bar"  burpee.  60 seconds.  I'm beat to my knees.  Hopping back up to standing isn't happening.  Get to my feet, over the bar, burpee 3.  Done.  I look at the clock, 15 seconds left.  To my credit, and to a lesser degree, amazement, I picked up the bar and started on the next round of lunges.  Was aiming for 4, got to 3.  Better than 0 on round 4. 

I wanted to lay on the floor... to sit down... to something.  My legs aren't wobbly, but they sure could use a rest.  Instead it's a few high/low fives, and I'm putting my gear away.  I spent a bit of time just wobbling around.  Got my 'Happy Family' meal from Carla the Cavewoman.  Eventually went back to the hotel and ate it.  Tasty as always. 

Been trying harder to eat better.  I know that 100lbs is a tall order, so I'm going to have to be mindful of everything I eat and drink.  Scrutinize everything.  I think I'm going to add 200 WODs to my goals.  Averages out to 4 a week.  I'm already behind.  Should be able to hit 5 this week if I can get 2 in at On Track this weekend.

Might switch over to Zone.  On Track likes macros, and so does my man Andy P, so it might behoove me to take a look at it.  If Amanda is in this weekend, I'll chat her up about it. 

Back to the tile though.  5 "simple" movements, and that was it.  Nice and worn out last night.  Slept pretty good.  Tonight, it's looking like Fight Gone Bad...ish.  No wallballs, so I'm very thankful there, my quads could use a day or 2 off.  I'm giving 4:1 odds now that I'm going to talk about how awful it was.  :)  Guess we'll see. 

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