Thursday, January 15, 2015

Angies second cousin...

Jumping right into this (since I'm writing this a day later and still technically on the clock).  Last night was a tough night at Unlocked.  It wasn't that the workout was so tough, but coming off a two-a-day with less than 8 hours sleep and dealing with this... it wasn't my best work.  :) 

The night started off with about 15 minutes of skill work.... which I did none of.  I was still feeling the effects of a double should workout, and so I spent a lot of time stretching, doing extra stretching, and other mobility exercises to loosen everything up for the WOD.  Lots of extra lax ball work, calf stretching, downward dog on the wall... just a lot of stuff.  Thankful I did it. 

Angie is one of the classic "girl" workouts of CrossFit:

100 pull ups
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 squats
for time

We did Angies second cousin (unless this workout has a different name?)

100 pull-ups
100 air squats
100 push-ups
100 goblet lunges

Break it up however you want was the only added stipulation (I'm sure that applies to Angie too).  I had all day to figure out how I wanted to tackle this beast.  Do I do it in 20's and only have 5 reps?  Maybe do it in sets of 5 so I can move quick from move to move?  I ended up picking what seemed like a reasonable 10 sets of 10. 

Grabbed a 44lb KB for the lunges, and had some rings for the ring rows I'm going to do.  I'm ready, you ready?  Ok, lets go!  Started on the rings, banged out 10 in a row.  Good start.  The squats were quick too.  Everything was going well till I got to the lunges.  Post workout I talked to Jeff... I think I overstep by quite a bit.  More on that in a sec.  First round was done easy enough.  I was working out near my man Dave P.  If you don't remember, I've referred to him as the most honest man in CrossFit.  This is also important later. 

Round 2 was also pretty good.  I broke started to crack a bit though, ring rows weren't unbroken.  Still, solid. 

Round 3, the problems started here.  5-4-1 rows.  Squats... noticed that my squats are in need of a real overhaul.  I didn't exactly want to start here, in the middle of 100, but I think I'm going to have to get a WOD doc to help me work on these to make sure my form is 100% right, and consistent for EVERY movement.  I noticed that I didn't always go back, then down like when we do weighted squats.  I also noticed that sometimes my knees come in when I push up.  It's not right, I can tell you that.  With those Karen quads from a few weeks ago... I don't want to go through that pain again, but I think I really need it.  No sense doing half assed things, only going to end up hurt, so this is now a top thing for me.  It's also going to help...little bit of pain and learning upfront for big gains later... at least thats how I'm planning on it working. 

Pushups are not broken up as well, nice line of sweat on the floor.  I'm ready for the day I do full pushups... saw Ali doing some afterwards, it was weird, but neat to.  Right before she'd push up, you could just see her entire frame go rigid, then the push.  #cantwait to be able to do it like that.  Ok, so now we're at round 3 of the lunges.  My inconsistency with the squats and lunges has caused an issue.  My outside left hip flexor thingy (scientific right?) was starting to hurt.  Cramp isn't the right word, but it describes the sensation fairly well.  I made it through 8 before I had to set down the KB and rub on it a little.  Picked it up and finished.  Going to watch it now. 

Round 4, rings suck.  I'm hating life now.  4-4-2.  squats suck 4-5-1, pushups suck 6-3-1.  Lunges are now a problem.  My left leg hurts.  I'm starting to wonder about whether or not I'm going to be able to complete the WOD.  Luckily, Jeff is coming by.  I explain my dilemma, and he suggest trying it with no weight.  Ok, will do next round. 

Round 5, that little rest helped.  back to 5-5 for everything up to the lunges.  I still overstepped, but without the 44lb KB, it was easier, and the pain was noticeably less. 

Round 6, back to sucking.  Jeff came by to see how I'm feeling.  I smile through the sweat and say things are better, and they are.  The crampy type pain is gone, and now it's just quads being sore.  Here is where being next to Dave helped.  We've been keeping similar pace, and minus my quick stop and talk, I've been step for step with him as far as being around the same spot and number of reps.  I've lost all count at this point.  10 counts for each movement are all I'm paying attention to. 

Rounds 7-8-9 go by with similar speed and suffering.  I'm doing my pushups for 9, and I see Dave cross off number 9 on his chalk board as he mutters last one.  I'm thinking the same thing.  This is almost over!  I finish the round, and pursue 10 with vigor, tapping into that little bit of extra I seem to always have in the tank.  I do everything nearly unbroken.  It was awesome. When I'm finally done, clock reads 25:39.  Took longer than I thought. 

Damage is done.  I untie my lifters (think that was part of why Karen at CF On Track killed me), and put up the KB and chalk board that I didn't bother to use.  I've found the guy I know I want to chase later.  He got done in a shade under 13 minutes.  About half the time.  I've got some work to do for sure.  Get faster!  Well, get it right first, then get faster. 

Confession.  Dig Carla's Buffalo Chicken.  Confession about that is that I eat it cold on the way home from the box.  It's mushy, cold, and still delicious.  Can't help it.  Glad I wash my hands afterwards...

This weekend is Wodaplooza, however it's spelled.  Want to wish Coach Brian DeLeon and Trace DeLeon from Unlocked and Coach Gia O'Keefe from CrossFit Diamond State the best of luck at the competition.  They've been training hard, eating right, and getting ready for this.  I'll be watching online to see how they do.  Little jealous.  It's in Miami.  Anyway, best of luck, hope you guys crush the competition in your divisions.  Look forward to the war stories next week. 

Happy Thursday to the rest of you, I'm going to enjoy the rest of my rest day/work day, and hope there is no lasting soreness before my first main WOD at On Track tomorrow.  Cheers. 

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