Tuesday, January 27, 2015

De-loading when I don't need to

What a night.  Got up to CFDS this week (barely) and had a nice little lung busting workout.  Just enough rest to make you want to keep going faster.  Lets get to it, gotta make this quick. 

Showed up on time... and they were starting early.  The bums!  Got changed, rowed a cool 700m, and finished the warmups.  Did some new backpack stretches... using a resistance bank and wrapping it around a prig post, and then wearing it like a backpack... and then doing air strict pushes.  Supposed to help the shoulders loosen up.  I think I got stuck with too "light" a band... I felt it, but I thought I should feel it more... anyway. 

Strength portion was the strict press.  Apparently it's a deload week for them, so it was just 5 reps at 40, 50, and 60%.  Since it was light, form was greatly stressed.  60% was feeling pretty solid at 5 reps with strict strict form.  Worked with Xavier tonight, he ended up being my partner for the WOD.  Surprised Dustin Simmons wasn't there, he's usually the sucker... er lucky guy I get stuck with.

WOD today was a 15 minute AMRAP partner ladder.  5 pullups, power cleans, pushups, then 10 of each, then 15, so forth.  You had to finish each movement before moving to the next.  We decided to split it into 5's.  No matter what the set or movement.  We started out strong, he did the pullups, I did the cleans, he did the pushups.  Then I started the next round with my jumping pullups, then he did his pullups, 5 cleans, he did 5, I did 5 etc.  It started getting real spicy around set 30.  About halfway through the power cleans, we split them into 2 each, back and forth.  I must have looked pretty wasted.  I didn't necessarily want to do it, but this may have been what helped us make it though.  We got to the pushups then ran out of time.

At 15 minutes, I was a bit incredulous.  I thought we were going to 18... I had become confused with the 18 minutes of last night.  Left me a little disappointed.  I might have pushed harder at the end.  Not that I was intentionally sandbagging, but more because I would have dug deeper for that last bit. 

Tough workout.  We ended up with 300 reps.  150 each at that rate... that what, 10 rounds?  Not terrible for the time.  Might have done more by myself in 15 minutes... oh well, it was a good workout, Xavier was a good sport.  Reminds me, I let him pick the weight, and he said 115.  I was thinking 95, and I though 115 would be heavy.... it was heavy.  LOL.  Glad I did it at the higher weight level though.  Makes me feel like I'm progressing.  Anyway, I'm chasing sleep now, catch you tomorrow!

Day after (1/28) additions. 

Forgot to mention that I banged the hell out of my elbow on a J hook when coming off the rig in one of the later rounds.  Really, it wasn't even my elbow, it was a bit higher, closer to meaty party of the tricep.  Only reason I bring it up now is that I didn't sleep well last night, and I'm blaming that. 

Last thing, to expand upon the title.  Since I don't have a set box right now, I just kind of WOD and do whatever strength training is put in front of me... so my shoulders were in no way smoked... but I did appreciate taking the time last night to work on the form a bit more.  Thanks AP for coaching!

Ok, that was the second to last thing.  I'm two WODs into the week, and I still haven't done the 10 burpees as fast as I can at the end of a workout... you know, to get better.  I can tell you now, having looked at todays WOD.... I don't know that I'll be doing them after todays either (hint, it's got burpees in it).  #wellsee  

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