Friday, August 29, 2014

My hands hurt for hours after this one

Oh man.  After today's WOD, coming home, cleaning up...bout an hour later, I was sore.... like I don't want to move sore.  Now today, I'm fine...and really, later that night, much better.  It was good to get back to the box.  Ended up taking Tuesday and Wednesday off, saw the chiropractor, got my shoulder in a better place.  Things are good.  I'm of two minds.... part of me thinks I need a week off, and the other part wholeheartedly disagrees.  I think my body could use the rest, it's been creaky lately....but after a warmup for a WOD, everything is right as rain... My guess, it's my nutrition that isn't doing me any favors. 

It's ok though.  Lurong starts in two weeks...and I'm sure their supplements will be here before then as well... maybe things will get sorted out sooner than later.  Kat up at EST also suggested some pro-biotic drink.  Said it had done wonders for people she knew...  Might have to give it a shot too.  I don't like the onset of achyness... I've run out of my GNC mega mens sport... and that might very well be part of the issue.  I'll be a guinea pig for you, let you know whats what, if I can figure it out myself.  Coaches, nutrition gurus, and really anyone... your feedback is always appreciated, leave a comment if you've got something you swear by as well.  

So Wednesdays WOD...  Strength work was the good ol' bench press.  I confess, I was hoping it was a 1RM day, wanted to see if I had another PR in me (I'm pretty sure it's another 20 pounds ;)  ).  Alas, no, it was a 5 set 5 movement of 80% of your 1RM.  In retrospect, I feel a little wrong for not doing the full 80% for the whole time, but I did it on the very last set, and while it wasn't to the point of failure on the last one, it might have been had I done it all at 80%.  Maybe that was the point?  The guy I was spotting for failed on his last set... IDK.  I'm going to love looking over this stuff after I've been coaching for a while, see how much changes in my though process between now and then. 

The METCON was a peach.  My hands hurt most of the night after it.  4 rounds of 10 ring dips, 20 toes to bar, and 30 DU's.  Thankfully, I had the sense to not wear my lifters, I hate jumping in them.  My first set of ring dips were comical.  I didn't have a good scaling option in mind (I should have... ) so I'm leaning forward into the rings, and then pushing myself up to a standing's really weird to describe... but yeah, there were probably funny to watch.  Adrian had me on a box doing dips the rest of the time... I hate box dips, but then again I hate most things that are painful and I'm not good at.  :)

I can tell I'm getting just a bit lighter...and I've got a PCP appointment in the coming weeks to verify this....but there is still A LOT of me hanging from the bar trying to do toes to bar.  It's not the hanging that hurts me (that I can tell), it's the fact that there is just enough fat in my hands, that the pads...where callouses form for us...they get squished/pinched.  80 T2B... yeah.  Pain aside, I've started staring at the ceiling while I do these...not sure if it's good form, but I concentrate more and I feel like I work harder to pull my legs up, rather than do a "jump" off the ground, if that makes sense.  Maybe toes to rig is the way to go? 

The DU's... I think I really need to take a day, and just figure this out.  My singles aren't all that good, but if I can skip that and just get the doubles... maybe that is better?  Still haven't bought my own rope...and I'm pretty sure thats a great first place to start. 

Working on a mentality change.  I saw Fridays WOD, and immediately was like "meh" I don't like it.  I'm going to try to go into the box with the thought of giving it my very best efforts. 

Looked up this WOD called Clovis for Labor Day... We might be doing that up here, nothing set in stone... but wow.... anyway, tell you later about Fridays workout.  Cheers. 

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