Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Man-makers...make me cry.  I looked them up last night, and oh boy.  Todays workout had me wanting to quit.  Being honest, I didn't even want to come, but I've got some meetings tomorrow and if I didn't show up today, I'd have suffered through it tonight.  Woulda shoulda coulda cherry picked this.  LOL.  Oh well, all done.  Maybe I'll cherry pick tomorrow... or maybe not. 

So, todays box finds us in a much better place than yesterday.  Rained like a typhoon last night, much cooler than it was on Monday, that and the 0930 class helped.  Warmups still leaves me in a pile of sweat. 

Strength today was deadlifts again.  3 RM this time.  Started low and moved up in % progression 5, 3, 2, 1.  The 1 being 90-95% of the 1RM .  It was "easy".  I went up a little more, closer to the 1RM, and banged out 3.  Broke the set up, didn't do a good job with my grip, but I did a 3RM at 275.  I really really really wanted to go for a 1RM after that, I feel like I could put another 20lbs or so over that 1RM.  Maybe a lot more.  Coach Andy kindly shook his head, that was something for another day. 

Still, I feel really good.  I can see what some rest and proper nutrition can do.  Not saying I got sooo much stronger or anything, I was probably a bit fatigued last time, but that feeling that I could do more... is kinda nice.  Not PR nice, but it's not too far off.  Hope I have that juice for the next 1RM day. 

Onto the METCON.  Still not sure why this gets an all caps every time I write it...  3RFT, 400m row and 10 man-makers.  If you don't know what man makers are, I suggest you watch this.  This thing is aptly named...cause I have the sensation that should I do enough of these, I will indeed be a manly man. 

The feeling good from almost PRing... all gone.  I've never wanted to quit like I did today.  It took everything I had to finish, and that was after modifying the counts, and the movement...everything that is and up down movement, or that has a pushup base to it... absolutely destroys me.  I'm slow, it takes everything I have to do it... and this thing does both, plus I get the added bonus of getting to do a thruster at the end of it.  Awesome. 

In the first set, Andy suggested just doing thrusters with the dumbbells.  I couldn't bring myself to outright abandon the whole thing.  Remember yesterdays quote?  Just wanted to get it done, to hell with dignity.. 

I'd like to regale you with stories of how I pushed through it, and got them all done, how I was such a bad ass... truth is, for bits of the second set, and most of the third set, I settled for thrusters.  17:19, scaled was my time with a max of 18 minutes.  I was defeated.  This one hurt, and not like "ow my knee hurts" but like a...like "my soul hurts" kinda hurt.  Not quite, but I hope that gives you an idea.  Oooof. 

In the end, I finished, got it done, and I'm in recovery mode.  

So, lessons learned.  Man-makers are the devil.  I'm stronger than I've thought, even with fighting with the devil.  Summer heat with two shirts still sucks.  Lastly, in the end, it really is a mental game. 

To steal from the Dos Equis brand... "stay hydrated my friends". 

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