Monday, June 1, 2015

Mixed bag.

Tonight was a mixed bag, some good, some bad.  I had half this post written in my head in the shower, but then I started watching the encore of DC United vs the Philadelphia Union.  Hope it all comes back to me. 

Back at Unlocked, working on my victory tour.  I did find out today that I'll be back in a few weeks, so it's not a full goodbye, but we're getting there.  Upcoming, I'll be in WA for a week, and then NY for a stint... or at least that's the schedule today.  Could change tomorrow.... but I'm here now. 

First bit of workout tonight was an 8 minute EMOM of 50m run, 5 air squats, 50m run.  I was tempted to run, and had Ticket been there, I might have... but my 100m run is still slow as bawls.  35-40 seconds... if not worse.  So stopping and doing 5 air squats (which are also slow...) in the middle, maybe if I'd gone every other...   Instead, I rowed.  I didn't do it the full 8 minutes (hey, they all got to rest too), but I put up 1350m... felt like enough. 

WOD was something nasty.  The sort of thing you don't talk about, like Fight Club.  21-18-15-12-9-6-3 of hang cleans and bar facing burpees.  Very nervous about this.  Body weight STRETCHING has been painful.  Not like 9/10 pain, but enough to let me know it's there... wondering what burpees are going to do.  On top of that, it's been over 3 weeks since I've done burpees, and only my 3rd WOD back from a wrist injury... we'll see. 

I elect to do 75 instead of the 95.... still getting that conditioning back.  3-2-1 go.  I got to 15, and stopped.  I'm scaling here.  After the first 5 burpees, my wrist feels fine, after the 15th, I could feel it.  Told myself (and Coach Jeff) that if it got to be too much, I'd do double the number in jumping jacks.  Figure, for me, it's equivalent work.  I soldier on.  I'm doing steps now instead of full burpees.  Soooo slow.  This 3 weeks off has done me no favors in terms of capacity.  Zero.  The whole workout sucked, but my wrist held up.  When doing the hang cleans, it's a light weight, but I tried to focus on form, I want to get that part of my pull better, so I've got goals inside the workout.  Can't always claim that.  

Took me 13:27 starting at 15.  The last guy got done did it in like 17 minutes and change... And thats where the mixed bag comes in.  I was slower than 2/3 of the class, so I feel alright about it, but this dude did it all, and it makes me think I should have done more. Thats the mixed bag.  I'm satisfied with my effort, first time back on the floor, etc etc... but at the same time, I could have done more, gotten closer to the full workout, worked a little more, a little longer... shrug.  It's over, moving on. 

Other things... I'm almost done with my 'extra curricular' blog post.  Asks a question of all of us... similar to "how bad do you want it".  I think about that some when I see this Justin guy losing more and more weight.  He's now 100lbs smaller than I am, and he started after me... so how bad do I really want it?  Need to focus more on the food... but it's got to help (a whole lot I'm guessing) to be home all the time, able to weight out and measure all your food.  It's difficult to eat well on the road.... even with a nutritionist.  I'm down 6 lbs from when I started with her, but this guy.... incredible.  Thats the only word for it... that and jealousy.  I want his success, but I don't have any way to compare how hard he's working and what he's eating to what I'm doing, and thats ok, but man I'd like to know.  Maybe I'll ask him again and get something other than "hardwork and dedication".   

On Track.  Team gave me a thrill ride through the Central Regionals.  We started slow (read DEAD LAST) after the first event.  Painted ourselves a no-rep Rembrandt.  Did much better second event, finished the day 15th.  Through the rest of the competition, we put up REALLY good times/scores.  In on event, we won our heat, then the third heat came out an all 10 teams beat our time.  I think we'd have gone faster in that one had we been in the 3rd heat...  oh well.  Either way, the team did a hell of a job.  Seven events and we had FIVE top five finished (even won the last event).  Team dug in and fought.  So incredibly proud of them... so very much want to be like them and compete at that level... ended up just shy of a games qualifying spot (6 measly points).  Not quite it, but it was awesome to watch.  I don't get to see them till Saturday at the earliest, but likely it wont be till the 12th (11 days away).  It's ok though, I'm super proud of them, and the hard work they put in, congratulations, high-fives and the like will have to wait for now.  

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