Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Hearing your body, but failing to listen.

Tonight sucked.  I tried, and failed.  But I was there, and I tried, which is more than a lot of people do on a daily basis.  Let me take a few steps back.  It's hot as bawls out right now.... and I feel like I may be at the point I needed a day off... and that was before I went to the workout.  Might have confirmed it by having a mediocre showing for myself.  Raises the point, listen to your instincts, and listen to your body.  I happened to want to have Thursday night off, so I could do some extra curricular things (frame a jersey I've had in my possession for a little too long... need to get it back to the owner), and so I figured tomorrow would be the best time to do it. 

So, not the best of mindsets going in, but I saw the WOD, and expected to hit a PR... second time I've gone to something in this rep scheme... second time I got hosed.  haha.  Happens I guess.  Solid warm up today, row 150m, 10 power snatches, 20 walking lunges.  4 rounds.  I did three, and then knowing we were going to get into squats, did some oly stretches on the wall... I always seem to do better with squats when I do the oly stretches... Today was no different. 

5-5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1 OHS.  We actually did some more warming up with some... I wouldn't call them stress positions, but we held a few positions in a few of the places in the OHS movement.  Hate this stuff, but I get whey we do it.  Went super light on the bar, and Brian was nearby for my first few sets.  I'm still sitting a little forward, but I got the thumbs up on a few of them, I'm sitting further back.  Now, I was going to try to go heavy for the 1-1-1, so I put on 25's for my 3's, thought it would be a good medium... and man, it was heavy.  Like it felt stupid heavy.  Got my first three done, and it was all I could do to not drop the bar.  I ended up switching to 15's to finish it out.  Of all the things that are sore or tired, at this point, my shoulders are toast. 

WOD was 3rds for time, with a 10 minute cap.  10 KB thrusters, 30 abmat situps, 200ft shuttle run.  I had on my lifters so I was like eh, how bout I do some burpees or something instead.  Brian said 10 burpess... now, if you've been following this blog for any length of time, or if you've done any amount of burpees, you know how they are... and at my weight, 10 of them while doing this other stuff... oi.  Another guy in the box, one of the dudes on the team I think, was like 10?  How about 5.  So glad he said that.  Brian said, nah, 10 is fine... LOL. 

We get started.  I'm using 35lbs KBs.  Thrusters up, down.  10 wasn't difficult, but my shoulders are dead.  The situps... Listen.  I hate situps.  Not because I'm fat and doing situps sucks...  I hate them because I've got two modes.  On.  Off.  There is no "faster" to them.  So with timed WODS and situps.  After the first round, I really start to slow down, and then scale, as time happens.  Got my 30, went to the burpees.  I did 5.  I wanted to do more, but I didn't, for two reasons.  One, I'm sucking wind hardcore now, and 2, it's at 3 minutes.  Brian said before we started that 6 minutes was the time people were hitting... I'm already halfway there.  !@#$  

Second round was much more difficult.  I did the thrusters to failure, which was 8.  Left arm couldn't keep up.  Situps... I took them to 20.  At the point everyone else was on their third round, and I'm at 6 minutes.  At this point... taking a step out of the story of the WOD, between you and me... I don't know whats the better option.  Cutting reps to get done close to time, or doing it all and not finishing.  Probably something to ask a coach.... back to the WOD.  This set of burpees is without incident.  7 minutes 30 seconds.  Gotta move.

Third and final round, had to break the thrusters up to sets of two.  The third set, left arm gave out again, and that was that.  Two minutes left.  Got another 20 situps or so (truly, I lost count), and then there was about 50 seconds left.  Did two sets of 3 to get to 6, and then I stopped.  9:41

There was a post WOD thing, but I'd already made up my mind to get out of there, had other things to do.  It could have waited, but I was beat, and so, I said my goodbyes and made my escape.  It was 3 rounds of wallballs, max effort, 1 minute rest between each.  Maybe I'll make it up some day. 

I'm sore.  Tired.  Beat.  Ready for some solid sleep.  Wont get it tonight, but I will tomorrow.

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