Friday, May 29, 2015

More than much

The endurance is gone.  2-3 weeks out, and it's gone.  I noted that on Tuesday to Brian.  A week off, you can be rested, 2-3, rusty is more likely.  I sat out the past two days due to some nasty soreness (think I went a little too hard), and more because of what the workout was.  Not cherry picking quite so much as the fact I'm still scared of messing up my wrist.  There was enough bodyweight movements (pushups, burpees, etc) that I didn't want to push it.  Not yet anyway. 

So, I got to the box early tonight.  Thought it was the top of the hour, guess on Fridays it's at the bottom of the hour.  No matter.  Did more of the same warm ups... wrist still tender... hope that goes away soon.  I had expectations when I got to the box tonight... I was going to do the level 1 class for the strength, and then row a 3k instead of the AMRAP.  That didn't happen.  You see, a large chunk of On Track leadership and a smaller chunk of the athletes are all at the Central Regionals.  That is to tell you, we've got 1 coach, and thus 1 class.  This WOD is at almost chipper status.

 But first, the warmup... had lots of OHS with the bar.  The after the warmup, we warmed up to workout weights... with more OHS with weight... So by the time we got to the WOD, I've done 50, maybe 60 OHS... Shoulda seen this coming....  

Workout was this:
1200m run or row
35 Overhead squats (135 / 95 lb. or 50-60% of your 1RM)
75 AbMat sit-ups
100 double-unders
35 Sumo high pulls (135 / 95 lb.)
75 box jump overs (24 / 20 in.)

25 minute time cap

I did the row,  squats at a little less than 50%, and kept that same weight for the high pulls.  I was going to do 50% of my 1RM for the OHS, but during the warm up, I went to that, and I wobbled a little too much to be comfortable doing it in the WOD 35 times, so I went back down to 65#. 

The row wasn't awful.  Going back to the whole being rusty bit, I felt gassed early.  Hit 1k at 4:14, which isn't awful, but it wasn't good in my opinion.  Slowed down a bit to get some wind back, finished the 1200 at 5 minutes.  I didn't watch the clock the whole time doing OHS, but I had to break it up into 3's and 4's.  Took.  For.  Ever.  I know its not spelled right, doing it for effect.  Or affect... whichever. 

Didn't make 75 situps.  Took me a while to get to 45.  The last 10, cramps, and then awful cramps... like do one situp, then lay back for an extra bit to let it relax... so yeah, too much left, stopped early.  The jump rope... yet another thing that has suffered from a lack of workouts.  Couldn't tell you how long it too me to do 100 singles, but it was a ridiculous amount of time...again.  The high pulls took me almost to the time limit.  Think I got 5 box jump overs....or step overs, then time. 

I didn't want to go, I sure didn't want to do this workout... but, like always, glad I went. 

Back to regionals.  On Track had an abysmal team event 1.  Last place.  Pair 2 of 3 got no-repped to death.  Thats not to complain about the reffing, tandem chest to bar is difficult to judge, and our own athletes said most of them were legit (one is battling some sickness)... doesn't make it suck any less though.  Event 2, different story.  4th place finish, has us sitting at 15 after the first day.  Not terrible considering how event 1 went.  Strong showing tomorrow should get them in the top 10, then it's anyones event.  Lets get it! 

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