Monday, June 15, 2015

Still chasing the squat clean PR

Meant to write this on Friday...  oops.  I can tell you now, didn't hit Saturday up as well, pushed the wrist a little harder than I thought I would with Fridays WOD.... but thats ok, here, Monday morning, it feels right as rain, which is good, cause todays Unlocked WOD is going to be a little testy.

Friday the goal was to get to a heavy squat clean.  I REALLY wanted to PR this thing, and had I used my time a little differently I might have.  In the defense of my times management, I did get some coaching from Brian, and we talked a little more about my pull, and possible solutions.  I ended up going too heavy too fast.  My warm up, then a heavier lift, then I had what would have been a 10lb PR for just my third lift.  It was ugly, barely got one elbow underneath, before I dumped it.  Didn't even do the math till later.  Oops.  Stepped back down and did 3 more lifts, and matched my PR for it, which is ok, but I wanted more.  Truthfully, with the last two lifts, I think I could have added 5 more pounds, maybe even 10.  #ohwell

METCON was something that looked easier than it was for me.  Birthday WOD of sorts.  6 squat cleans (again), 12 deadlifts of that weight, and 98 DUs (or 49 ab mat situps, or 98 bicycle crunches).  I chose the situps... made sense at the time.  It was a 17 minute AMRAP.  Not going into the details right now, but it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be.  End result, sore wrist from the third (my final) round of cleans.  The deadlifts were fine, getting faster all the time (while maintaining form), and then there was the situps.  Anything over 75 is still a big issue for me.  I slow down considerably after 30, and when the total volume gets over 50, I feel it the next day.  Here it is Monday, and I'm still tender in the cough/sneeze/laugh department.  Not as bad as yesterday but enough to feel it. 

Other news.  Madison like that I'm still showing progress, but there isn't enough, she wants more results... and I do to, so it works out.  After our last meeting, it sounds like she is going to plan out my nutritional life... so I'll have a full on shopping list when I get on site on Monday.  This is secretly what I've been hoping for, so we'll see how it shakes out.  Otherwise, like I said, making progress, all the measurables are moving in the right direction, just not as fast as we want.  

I know there is something else I wanted to'll come to me later, hope I write it down.  Last week in DE full time, going to miss the state (and more importantly, the people in it), then it's home for a week, then life in upstate NY starts.  Cheers. 

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