Monday, June 22, 2015

What did you lose?

Having a bit of a melancholy moment right now.  Halfway through the year, and I feel like I'm in a rut.  I'm not losing as much weight as I should be (read no where near the 50lbs I should be at for the year)..... partly because I'm not eating exactly what I should be eating, which is 100% something I can  control.  I also don't feel like I'm getting better technically.  Like I'm not getting any better at my pull, my elbows seem slow on the cleans, and there are a few other things... Lets focus on the good.  I'm finally feeling like I'm getting back into CrossFit shape... what I mean is I finally feel like I've gotten my capacity back from the 3 week "break". 

Moving on... it's hot outside.  Your coaches should be harping up the amount of water you should be drinking daily (if it weren't hot...) which is half your body weight in oz.  If they're not, might be time to remind them ;)   And another thing on this heat and humidity... I know you DE people think it's bad on the coast... you really need to take a trip to the heartland.  Same  humidity %, and none of the breeze.  Oppression of the highest order.  I'm telling ya, you've got no idea.  Come visit.  :)

Ok, on to today.  Didn't want to go to be honest, it's nasty out and I'm tired today, but if I don't go... it's another opportunity wasted.  So I show up, lots of changes happening.  Wodify is most definitely on the way into On Track, thats cool.  OT want's to start offering some coaches up for a form of mentoring, it's still being fleshed out, but I like it.  On to the warm up.  Can't remember it now that I'm typing... then it was on to the weights. 

I wanted to PR this power clean today... but I took the time to work more on my form (noted above about my perceived lack of technicality).  I took it up to 155, and then tried to hit/match the PR of 185, but I didn't have the explosiveness I normally might... again, trying to work on the technical piece.  Ended up back at 135 and tried to just get a good pull.  This is one of the things I'll be working on with a coach. 

The other thing I want to work on, is my squat.  We were doing tempo squats, and it became very clear that I'm not sitting like I used to.  I might be getting low enough, but it's not 100% right.  Asked  Brian, and he said if he can slide apiece of paper under there, I'm not back far enough.  So now this is in my head too all workout.  Didn't help my knee was acting balking as heck.  Finally I'd had enough.  I'm not feeling the squats today.  On to the AMRAP. 

30 air squats, 20 ring pulls, 200m run.  14 mintues I think it was... and I didn't even care.  I took it one squat at a time.  Trying to get it right.  Trying to find the squat that's been lost for so long... at one point, I'm at the bottom of an airsquat...and it's still not right.  So I said outloud "Where is it?".  Nick, who's going hard on this workout pauses for a half second and asks "What did you lose?".  I couldn't resist.  "My squat.  Can't seem to find it".  I don't know if he chuckled, but I did.  Did some ring rows, and went back to the airsquats.  And I mean, I wasn't flying through the squats.  Each one was done with purpose, trying to find out exactly where to look.  I'm soliciting advice as I do them... a few points, when I feel good, like I'm sitting in the squat... I noticed that I'm actually sitting midfoot, and that explains everything...

So, working on the squat is job one.  I mean at this point, I'm going to go back to the basics.  Probably have the coaches at Soulshine and On Track watching and judging.  Might even go back to the box squat, or med ball, and not pushing my toes outward.  If thats what it takes, thats what it takes. 

Alright, I'm out of my funk... but I've got work to do.  I know it, you know it... coaches know it... we'll get there, I'm confident.  Until then, I'm going to get some rest, get ready for whatever tomorrow brings.

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