Tuesday, June 23, 2015

EDT anyone?

So, I think I broke the jinx of the New Balance.... I felt extraordinarily tired in todays workout.... could be the shoes, but I doubt it.  I actually wore them in the car instead of just putting them on at the box, something I hadn't done before.  Maybe thats the secret, don't treat them like they're collectable Jordans and you'll be more relaxed in them?  IDK.  

Today was a nice little workout.  Chose the NB's over the lifters, because the warmup had jumping jacks, and frankly, those in lifters just don't sound all that fun.  Did some jacks, pushups, American KB swings, and some toes to bar modification...forget what it's called, hold the support of the rig, lift your toes up and touch it... toes to rig maybe?  Idk, did that... a lot easier on my hands than hanging knee lifts. 

5 rep push press.  Pulling it off the floor made me reconsider how heavy I was going to go tonight.  Ended up on 115.  Not a terrible weight, but not where I want to be for a WOD either... Did our 5 sets of 5 while working up to 115.  I haven't done push presses in a while... so working on that push, or dip... I tried to focus on that tonight... it needs work still.  Feel I've made a small, incremental improvement on the dip/drive part, but like so many other things, it's going to take time.

We took that 5 push press (building up to a heavy weight) and parlayed that into 5 (more) rounds of 5 push press, along with 15 deadlifts.  I kept getting tired during the deadlifts.  All but the first round, I dropped the bar (still at 115) at 10, then picked it up for 5 more.  I probably could have hung on, but I was trying to work on form and speed... still trying to fix that "low and slow" speed I started with. 

Second "event" of the night... This nasty nasty nasty little 10 minute (5 round) event:

10 min EMOM
min 1: 30 sec AMRAP Hang High Pull
min 2: 30 sec AMRAP Bar-Facing Burpees

Doesn't seem like a lot of work... except you're tying to AMRAP that 30 seconds before 30 seconds of rest.  It sucked.  LOL.  I can't even say it was all that fun.  A lot of work, and the rest was just enough to give you that hope... and then it was back to something else.  Couldn't get over 4 burpess...still to slow on that.  Hang high pull, I don't think I did anything less than 5 at 75 lbs.  Those hang movements are always tougher than they look on paper.... force you to use the right mechanics, you can't use that first movement off the ground to hid any of your deficiencies... I'll learn to love them... maybe. 

That was enough for me... was ready to walk out.  Sucking wind, struggling to catch my breath... oh man oh man... but wait, there's more! 

EDT exercising... got my introduction to it today.  Stands for Escalating Density Training.  Others say it stands for Ego Destroying Training... or something like that.  Nasty stuff.  The basic premise, at least for our purposes today, was to do the max amount of reps for one movement, and then with little rest, go to another movement, do the max reps you can, then repeat.  12 minutes of ring pushups and hollow rocks.  Good thing I don't have an ego yet... so instead I just suffered.  At some point I became numb to the pain of the movement, and just stopped when I couldn't effectively do the movement, and I'd swap to the next.  Did get some better instruction on the hollow rocks... I swear, a year in, having been to several boxes.... you'd think I'd have heard and seen it all.  NOPE.  Still learning.  And I don't think thats a bad thing.  I'm glad I can get new instruction on a movement I've been doing with a "fake it till I make it" attitude.

Alright, rap up things.  Good news, wrists feel fine.  Thats exciting to me.

Ate like @ss over lunch (read most of a frozen pizza) but finished up strong with veggies and chicken for dinner.

I didn't get hurt wearing the New Balances... you have no idea how much of a relief that was... though I'm sure the DOMS is going to kill me come Wednesday night into Thursday.  

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