Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Seven Shades of Sleepy

My goodness.  I was sleepy all day yesterday.  I got about two hours of restful sleep in my 4.5 hour "nap" before I had to get on a plane....and then it wasn't my normal seat on the plane either (which I almost missed the flight mind you), and I kept falling forward while trying to fall asleep... so no real rest there either.  Here, I'll put it to you this way, half way to my client site, I tend to stop at this Wawa, I picked up TWO Monster Rehabs, and drank them both before the car ride was over... and I was STILL falling asleep driving. 

So now that you know how sleepy I was all day... you can imagine that I didn't want to go workout all that much...but this is the last week I'm down here for now, and frankly, I'll put up with a little sleepiness to see my peeps.  I was actually starting to nod off on the way to the box now that I'm thinking about it... anyway, moving on.

Got there, and it was hawt.  Nice and steamy.  Warmup was some partner tire flips and pushups... I'll be honest, ever since the wrist incident, I'm leery of tire flips and atlas stones... so the wrist straps came out early.  It wasn't that bad, Moz and I had a light tire. 

Strength was the floor press and some windshield wiper ab workout.  They love the floor press here.  I really wish I made more money... I'd buy them benches so they could do bench presses.  Rx was 135, Moz and I agreed on 115.  This dude is pretty strong... especially for a skinny kid.  He later told me he goes to a regular gym and lifts as well.... so 5 rounds of 10 presses, and 10 wipers.  Wipers being that you'd hold the bar over your chest like you were doing the press, but then bring your feet up to each bumper, so once to the left, once to the right, repeat. 

The pressing, got that.  All day baby, lets go!  Actually, got a bit fatigued at the end, missed 3 or 4 of the last set, arms we're shot.  LOL  These wipers... didn't even bother with them.  As soon as I got on the floor to do the press, my abs sensed danger... traumatic response to the last time I was on my back in a box (read "lots" of ab mat situps).  I take it back, I tried one, and my abs... obliques really... basically said "no".  It still hurts getting on and off the floor... better today, but yeah... when this belly finally disappears, I'm going to have a protruding six pack.

The WOD was a nasty one... and, frankly, I should have done more weight, but I'm getting ahead of myself.  Timed workout of 100 hang cleans (135 Rx), and every minute on the minute, 4 box jumps.  Being sleepy, and knowing this is going to be a nasty workout, I went lighter than I could/should have I feel.  I should have done 95.  I did 75, because 100 of anything is a lot...  I've got excuses at the ready... probably too ready.  My bad.  I knew I wanted to get this workout over with as soon as possible though... and that I did.  I tapped into the well, and went HAM on this.  I wanted to scale the box jump amount a few times during the workout, but I didn't... I catch myself waging mental war about in a lot of workouts like this... my 'weaker' self tries to talk my 'I want to get better' self out of doing as much work as it can.  It doesn't win often thankfully. 

Somewhere in the first "round" before the box jumps, my wrist felt funny... like I'd hurt it again, and this is while wearing the straps mind you.  Minor panic ensued, but I kept moving, I had to.  Didn't happen again, so that was good.  There was a little bit of talk about strategy on this... do 10 per round maybe?  That sounded good to me.  First round, I went nuts.  20 reps.  Then 10.  Then 7... crap, running out of gas... and up to this point, I've been concentrating on my pull, getting those elbows up and then under the bar.  After putting up 7, that went out the window.  Paying 100% attention to form also went out the window.  "Get it done" was the only thing going through my head.  Never used my thighs to "bounce" the bar up before.  Pretty sure the rest of the cleans were mostly of the muscle clean variety as well... getting the elbows "through" wasn't as important to me as getting the bar up.  I spent the next two rounds playing catch up.  12 reps, then 11, then I was good to go with 10 for the remaining 50.  More "rest" between sets I guess. 

8:53.  I wasn't the first one done, but I was close...ish.  It's fair to assume that with 95lbs (or more) I would have gone a fair bit slower.  

Gassed is the word that best described me afterwards.  Sucked wind for a fair while after that.  Felt good to "fly" through it though... making a rep plan and being able to stick to it was good... great even.  Haven't done that enough on these longer, chipper type workouts, but having stuck to it there, I think that counts as progress. 

My "you coulda/shoulda" nature didn't let me really savor it for too long...when I see other people still going, I often find myself thinking I should have done more weight... something mental to work on I guess.  savor the here and now, then work on doing more later, but no more lamenting being done quickly.  

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