Thursday, May 1, 2014


I don't know if SDS is an actual acronym, maybe it is, maybe not.  I'm using it as Second Day Soreness.  Tuesday we did those toes to bars things and some other lifting that has involved my shoulders...and I'm sore today.  Like crybaby sore.  I think part of it might be me fighting off some sort of cold... short story, yesterday, went to beautiful (and really really old) downtown New Castle, DE for lunch.  Place called Jessops Tavern.  Neat little spot, people dress up in olde fashion, food is solid, probably not Paleo approved, but it's become a bit of a tradition.  Anyway, some nasty rain was coming down, and in the time I left the door to the time I got to the rental, I had to cross a raging river in the street, and the rain was pouring as if from a faucet.  Only dry spot was the back of my knees.... cold and shaky/shivering miserable at work the rest of the day...anyway, so I'm dealing with the after effects of that, and SDS from using some under utilized muscle groups and tendons...  I'm out of it today (and I'm sure 90% of that is mental).  Still glad it's a travel/rest day.

Started a new vitamin regiment.  GNC's Mega Mens Green or something like that.  I don't have it in front of me, I'm waiting on plane and it's it my checked bags...think it's 6 pills, take them all at once.  Try to drink LOTS of water after that.  That neon Hulk pee makes me think my kidneys are working too hard, so I figure more water will help them out, and help me out.  I mean the internal organs don't have a whole lot of ways of telling you that stuff isn't right, plus water intake is important anyway right?  Win-win. 

Not much else on the day, I can only type so much about being sore...there is a clip that comes to mind, very obscure...but it was from Ernest Saves Camp... and there are these turtles...anyway, the line this brings to mind has two turtles talking to each other and one's like "I'm scare sarge" the the other one is like "we're all scared son"...  pulling that back to this conversations, when I say things about being sore, I often quickly remember, or am reminded that we're all sore son.  LOL.  Sorry.  Sometimes I do a 400m run to right field, takes a bit to get back and make the point. 

Found the clip, that line is around the 14 second mark...

It's funny the little things you carry with you and remember from childhood.  Time to board, bon voyage DE/PHL, see you next week!


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