Wednesday, April 29, 2015

"I'm going to hold you to it"

Ah yes, accountability.  Those words we're spoken to me today by the one and only Big Ticket.  We were talking about the next goal of getting under 400lbs.  He asked me when it was going to happen, thought I had already told him that was.  I couldn't remember what I told him though, so I told him the end of summer.  Better make sure I get on it. 

This week has been a bit more brutal that I thought it would be.  It's been successful, things are going well, people are happy, I'm doing my job well... all good things.  But I'm tired.  Like a stage past normal tired I always talk about.  Last night was another sub 6 hour night of sleep.  I'm somewhere around 15-16 hours of sleep since waking up Sunday morning... that, combined with 14 hour days... brutal.  Got out of work early today though, some of that hard work paying off, so to the box I went.  

Got there late, me leaving early from work didn't correlate to getting to the box on time... about 10 minutes late.  Doing Nancy tonight, first time that I've done it... or at least first time that I remember.  Got to the box, they're ready to go... I'm scrambling to get my lifters on, and Ticket comes up like "no no no no, we're running today son".  Uh, wut?  This man went and got my MF shoes.   Good time to tell you that all day, my calves were getting tight.  I mean I went and got coconut water, ate bananas, stretched, and they kept getting tighter.  I have no idea whats going on with them...  anyway, so Ticket drops off my shoes and is like "you gon' learn today"..... well actually no, not quite like that, more of a "we're running today", but still, it felt like he said the first phrase.  We actually went back and forth a little about it.  He was even like you can run a 100m.  I wasn't buying it.  First time doing this WOD... I'm tired as fuqq... my calves and getting tighter.  No sir, not today.  Soon.

Nancy.  400m run, 15 OHS @ 95lbs, 5 rounds for time.  I rowed 500m instead of 4, and did 75lbs OHS, still not comfortable with the idea of doing 95lbs that many times... another 'soon'.  There isn't a lot to talk about, it was lots of rowing, and lots of squats.  Breathing was the biggest issue.  I know I  need a spinal adjustment, but the breathing, my goodness.  Everything in the upper lungs, nothing getting deep down.  Need to do #research and of course more practice. 

Ended up with 19:37.  Sub 20 isn't bad for a first time right? 

Back to Ticket.  This man is a gold mine for quotes.  I don't have any more from tonight, but he's always got something to say.  Sometimes they're funny, sometimes they're motivating, sometimes they can rub you the wrong way.  The man is unapologetic for being who he is, and I love him for it.  He seems to have made it his mission to make a man out of me, wants to hold me accountable, he's even confirmed he reads these very words.  Alright man, you want the job, it's yours.  Under 400 by the end of summer.  Do I get anything for doing it before then?  ;)

On to other things.  Product review.  Halo sweatbands.  The Halo II specifically.  Chris McCune over at had reviewed them a while back, and it made me want to try it out.  I got the basic black one:

 Nancy was a good WOD to do this too.  Lots of rowing, it's warm, OHS... lots of sweat.  At one point, I was grabbing the bar, setting up to snatch it and there was sweat dripping from the top of my head onto the mat.  Lots of sweat.  Not a drop of any of this sweat got in my eyes.  It was freaking wonderful.  No more red, irritated eyes.  I have proof... I used to be red eye before the workout was over.  No mas.  See:
Dem eyebawls is white!  And the best part, this thing fit my big ol' head.  If it fits me, it's likely to fit you too.  I'm ordering more (not sure I want to re-wear them in the week), going to get a wider one, then decide if thats going to be the deal going forward, or if it will be a mix.  In short, I love these.  I'll let you know how well they hold up as time goes on. 

Alright last bit.  I've talked on here a lot about how these people I workout with are like family.  It's not idle talk, I promise you.  I found out today that Kelly D's mom's passed this week, services are this weekend, and I'm going to miss them.  I try to make things like that every chance I get, it's one of those "people don't care how much you know till they know how much you care" type of deals.  Before she left for the night, I caught Kelly getting in her vehicle, and I gave her a hug, expressed my condolence.  Had a tear in my eyes as I pulled away, couldn't really say much more than that, just smiled and nodded.  Who has the reaction to strangers?  I'm telling you, they're family.  It hurts that I can't be here, I send all my love and support to Kelly and her family during this difficult time. 

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