Thursday, May 7, 2015

A night of firsts.

Did ya miss me?  I missed you!  I took a whole 5 days to recover from the work week.  I'm talking 10+ hours of sleep at night, and naps in the day.  My sleep bank was beyond empty, but we're back to normal now.  Didn't get a WOD in yesterday, there were some vehicular issues, couldn't make it to the workout, but I did get to the initial group meeting of Madisons 8 Week Physique program, and I've got my first 1:1 tomorrow.  Weigh-in, measurements, food logs, the whole 9.  Expecting big things.  Madison Freeman happens to be the fittest woman in the state, she was #4 in the region... I think I'm in good hands.

I'm writing this and looking for new shoes.  I wore the New Balance... again... and stuff hurts.... again....  One thing is my fault, my wrist, I should wear the straps EVERY workout... the other thing was my bicep, think it's just a strain, we'll see how it feels in the morning.  I think it's just a coincidence, but really, every time I wear those shoes, something  goes wonky.

Tonight was a WOD full of firsts.  30 minute AMRAP of 4 stations, 2 minutes each station, 30 seconds rest between.  Rope climb, tire flip, atlas stones, sled push.  Everything was difficult, thats understood right, so I wont go through "the rounds".  Tire flips I did the second to heaviest one, was able to do the heaviest one, but the second to heaviest one was a better, more intense workout.  They said it was 300some pounds, don't know how much.  The heavier one was in the 400's, and I got it once in between rounds.

The rope climbs... I didn't do ring rows... I tried to pull myself up with them, ended up pulling and getting my feet right under me... it's hard to explain...  it's the best I could do with my strength and body weight being what it is.  It's a first pulling myself up with a rope, so I'll take it.

Sled pushes... I mean they're sled pushes with 3 45# plates... nothing special, but I hadn't done them before in a WOD, so another first. 

The altas stones.  I have no idea how heavy the one I was using the first two rounds was... I was trying to get comfortable with it.  Don't know if it was the tire flips or the stones that strained the bicep, but I felt it at the start of round 2 on the stones... Regardless, the last round I went up to 115#.  It was a bit heavier, and I had to use all my "tools" to get it up, never got stuck though, and never dropped it before it was at my shoulders... I can do more, and now I know and I'm ready for more!

30 minutes of mayhem.  A "real" CrossFit workout.  LOL  It was good to be back in the box though, and good to be back at On Track.  Tomorrow is a partner WOD, I know that much, we'll see what it's like.

***** edit from the day after ****
Yeah, definitely should have worn the straps.  Woke up in some severe discomfort.  Mentally I was begging for a cortisol/steroid shot, even after my experience last year.  To say that was some of the worse pain ever (shot from last year), and then to tell you I really wanted it this morning... should give you an idea of how bad this hurt.  Sending a note to my primary care doc, see what she says, maybe get a "quick" MRI done, make sure I didn't actually break anything.  Still works...mostly, just lots of pain...

****even later in that day ****

 Couldn't get to the clinic in enough time for them to see me.  I was 20 minutes late (work comes first mind you), and I got a "so sad, 2pm work?" type of response... to say I was upset, tad of an understatement.  So I just canceled.  Went and got the 8 week physique stuff started instead, then hung with coach Brandon at On Track for a bit while he was getting through some lifts, then went to the ED (you might call it the ER) at my local hospital.  Didn't get an MRI, but did get an xray done, and all my bones are right where they should be.  THANK THA LAWD!!!  So nothing major, or so the ED doc says.  I'm getting a side splint thing put on, it was my choice, something to really limit the mobility for a few days.  Sucks, but I feel like I dodged a bigger bullet.  Anyway, see you when I see you. 

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