Tuesday, April 7, 2015

I skipped crabs for this?

Going to keep it short tonight, I'm tried as hell, and thats after getting some solid sleep (quantity and quality).  Need to get a better time to get my frozen veggies... probably on Tuesday mornings when I can take it right to the freezer at work, and not have to worry about the hotel fridge.  Frozen, thawed, refrozen food... just...  no. 

Got to the box at a good time... again.  Love being on time (read early).  I'll say this.  I hate group warmups.  Line drills, short running, anything that reminds me that I'm not as good as other people, or that has me struggling to keep up, or back to short running... basically I dread and fear these.  Dread them even though I know they're not measured, timed, or otherwise counting for anything other than warming up.  We do a lot of them at Unlocked... and I've gotten a lot less self conscious about them.  My only real complaint now-a-days... is that I ALWAYS seem to have my lifters on for these.  Can't save these shoes for trying.  Sigh.  At least there wasn't running.  3 rounds Tabata style of air squats, pushups, mountain climbers, and these weird things that Dave called "tootsie rolls".  Covered in chalk dust and sweat by the end of it.  I hate and yet love warmups like this that have me sweating like a hot mess.  I'm complicated, lets leave it at that. 

5 rounds of 3 reps of front squats, get heavier as you go.  I worked with Randy, I didn't think his 1RM was as high as mine and these are some of the first front squats I've done since I jacked up my wrist, so I wanted it to be lighter than my max.  This was also a good chance to get my form better.  None of it was super heavy, but I did a good job of keeping myself upright, kept the bar more or less on the shelf, and had good form.  Not solid, not great, but good.  I didn't feel I did a good enough job sliding my hips back before going down in the squat.  Need some more practice. 

WOD was something I skipped another trip to Old Mill (the unlimited crabs place).  I will go there later in the season, but not today.  I wanted this pain... and right now, my hands are a wee bit miffed I did (as in they hurt like a summa bisch).  20 pullups (ring rows), 5 push jerk at 155 (115), 20 toes to bar (knees to stomach) and lastly 5 push jerk.  3 rounds.  I thought about doing 135, but I just wasn't sure I could do that much, that fast.  Not a lot to tell... other than the pain in my hands of trying to do toes to bar.  The ring rows sucked for two reasons.  The main one being that my lifters weren't having any of the typical lean back on your heels and pull movement.  Humidity killed what little grip those thing have on the floor, had to start further under (past) the bar and do it with bended knees.  Great workout, but man!  Other, smaller thing, was that 6pm was crowded tonight.  Lot of people packed tight on the bars.  Excited to see Unlocked expand. 

Workout was brutal, and with the minor gripes above, I was able to pull a 15:49.  Not a great time, but not horrible by any stretch.  I think if my toes to bar bar had been shorter (prevent my calves from cramping due to stretching to reach the higher bar I was at), I might have done more, faster.  Oh well.  I do like that I got just a little better at the dip-drive portion of things.  It wasn't just my legs dipping and then a push press, I actually got a good bit of lift and then did the rest of the jerk. 

Anyway, short and sweet. 

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