Monday, April 13, 2015

The Caveman and The WOD Box.

Ate like a caveman tonight... mostly.  I'm talking bare hands, digging into a rotisserie chicken.  Nom Nom Nom.  I love that I've found these.  Not as varied as the wonderful food Carla makes, but it'll do for now.  Also had some apples and 3 of those little cheese wheel things.  Satisfied, maybe even full.  Actually, I'm not full, and I didn't finish the chicken, but I ate enough, and thats a good place to be... being stuffed isn't so good ya know? 

Another typical Monday... little sleep... was in the back of the plane this week... bit bumpy, not much napping.  Lots of caffeine, all day.  I just happened to have instant messaged with my man AP aka The Guru aka Paller aka Andy 1 aka... well, you know.   IM'd him while writing this, and he just boo boo'd on my caffeine intake mechanism (Monster Rehab).  I guess I didn't look too closely at the artificial sweeteners... oops.  Back to 5 hours... or perhaps even black coffee... ick.  I'll work on it. 

Also took some energy chews from my first WOD Box.  More on that later.  I think the combination of the energy chew and the caffeine... I had what felt like a weight sitting on top of my stomach.  And I mean it felt like I had the weight on the inside of my body, putting pressure down on my stomach... very strange.  I was concerned about working out tonight.  Thought maybe I'd end up getting sick or something.  Didn't stop me from showing up, can't keep a good man down. 

Tonight's WOD was called Clean Up, Aisle 5.  Another thought about throwing up... eh.  Pushed that from my mind, and started warming up, got through the group warmup, lets go!   400m row, 4 rounds of 10 power cleans and barbell pushups, 400m row, 4 rounds of hang power clean, 5 pike pushups off a plate, 400m row.  Now, these are my scaled moves, but it's a fair amount of work.  RX for the cleans was 135.  I toyed with the idea of doing 115... but decided to stay safe at 95. 

LOL.  I said safe at 95... thats a lot of cleans (80) at 95lbs... it's not that light.  I'm not going to spend a lot of time talking about it.  The highlights... or notable parts, I hopped on the broken rower at first... oops.  First set of power cleans was unbroken... I pictured myself quite the Games athlete for a short short short while.  Hahaha.   The barbell pushups, I did off the knees... these were harder than I ever would have thought.  The hang cleans sucked.... form, effort, all of it.  I can't believe how many times I dropped the bar.   The pike shoulder pushups... I think I'd like to go back to doing these on a  box.  My shoulders feel incredibly weak when I do it.  i know it's part of the struggle, but I'd really like to get to HSPUs...  Giving it time, probably needs to be a lot more than I want to give it, but man...

21:25.  Not sure if I'm proud of this or not.  I don't think it was my best work, but it was very difficult, and I struggled mightily. 

Alright, on to this WOD Box.  If you don't know what it is, check it out here.  Short version, they're a subscription box service and they send you random products to try out, everything is WOD related.  This is what was in this months box.  Spoiler alert..... apologies if you hadn't gotten yours yet.  

I haven't had a chance to try everything yet, but as you can see, it's a decent amount of stuff for $20 (which included the shipping).  This one came with the swanky t-shirt, a can of FitAid (which I'm anxious to try, and compare to Kill Cliff), some kettle cooked sweet potato chips, which we're about like you'd think they'd taste.  An AboutTime protein bar (gluten and dairy free if I recall), it was a lot like some of those home made protein bars people make, very similar in both flavor and consistency.  There was also some almond butter, a shower pill (giant wet wipe I think), some paleo protein pancake mix, and the energy chews. 

I feel like this is a pretty good mix of stuff, and a good value overall.  I still felt like it needed more, but the price of eating a healthier lifestyle is not cheap, and this is a lot of stuff to try for a mere $20 bucks, $6 of which was shipping.  Shout out to Randi G from #CFDS for liking them.  Second product that I've gotten from a friends Facebook "Like" of a product.

Thats all I've got tonight, going to hit the early WOD tomorrow I think.  Free up the evening, have a feeling I'm going to have to work late, and I'd rather get something in, than nothing.   

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