Thursday, April 16, 2015

Someone tell Big Ticket he missed it.

I get this a lot from Ticket. 

"Hey man, when are you going to come running with us."

"Remind me again when you're running."

"You said under 400 lbs right?"

"Lets go!"

Things like that.  Not all in the same day mind you, but about once a week.  HAHA.  Well guess what man, I went to 0545 this morning, and I ran.  And it was awful.  Found this meme fitting. 

It was part of a 10 minute EMOM... 100m sprint, and a heavy clean and jerk... might have been just a jerk, but you had to clean it, so we're calling it a clean and jerk.  Was going to do 145, but, frankly, too heavy for that early in the morning, coming off that kind of sleep, after doing that kind of WOD at CFDS less than 12 hours before... Ended up on 125. 

So yeah, back to it, I ran... the first 100m.  That was it.  But it was glorious, until my shorts started riding up, and I started slowing down... then it wasn't so glorious.  Really, my sprint was more of an inglorious jog.  After that it was on the rower.  Life was much better on the rower.  Only one other person was there with me this morning, Kim (forget her last name).  We battled through this, she kept running whilst I row'd.  Finally finished.  Great, lets go home.... Oh wait, we've got Hip Hop BBQ to do.  Alright lets do that, what is it?  

Great question.  It's six minutes of total work, spread out over six work periods.  60seconds each?  Not so fast.  90 seconds work, 30 rest, 60 work 60 rest, 30 work 90 rest, then repeat.  Ok, seems easy enough, whats the movement.  Oh, it's a goody.  THRUSTERS!!  Yay \o/  (thats a little head there with arms raised up on both sides... if you can't see it).  I haven't done thrusters since 15.5.  So I'm pretty well physically wasted from the 3 previous WODs, my shoulders haven't had time to recover... I've got no sleep.... and THIS was what I decided to do while driving home from CFDS last night.  Idiot.

If you have no idea who that is... you're probably better off not knowing.  If you want to know, leave a comment, I'll fill you in.  This is the exact phrase going through my mind as we start the first set of thrusters.... that and things like "I can't believe you chose to do this", "what were you thinking", "how is this related to BBQ?"

I made it a whole 2 thrusters at 95lbs before I dropped the bar and made a beeline over to the weight stack to grab 15's to replace the 25's.  Jeff helped me change the bar PDQ.  Like a NASCAR pit crew he said.  They wish they were this fast!  HA!  Anyway, this part of the workout ended up being pretty spicy for me... mornings are hit and miss it seems.  Tuesdays, I'm usually pretty good, Wed or Thurs, mornings, I tend to suck.  Here come the excuses: knee wasn't warmed up really well so squatting was awkward, shoulders are still toast from the night before, wrist hurt from trying to do more difficult HSPU scaling last night...  lots of little issues today.  Ended up with 58.  I think had I done this on Monday, been fresher, I could have finished in the high 80's with this weight. 

Oh well.  I knew it was going to be a battle coming into this, and a battle it was.  Still happy I showed up... I mean it was called Hip Hop BBQ (named after the popular Pandora station), but I still had to go... no pain... no pain.  Its a Direct TV add, some Russian guy, think they call him Epic Win... Which is really close to my twitter handle... @Epic_WINdler   Anyway, youtube that video, just put in No Pain Russian guy, should pop right up.  Cracks me up every time. 

Gotta run, need to finish a few things at the office, and then finish my anniversary post that I should have finished before this one...

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