Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Thrusters are fun! ... said noone. ever.

My peoples!  Had a pretty outstanding day, all things considered.  I texted AP today, and told him that if I ever have a heart attack in the state of Delaware, it will be because of the "slower lower" drivers who can't get out of the way fast enough on my drive upstate to CrossFit Diamond State.  I mean we're talking the speed limit or slower in the fast lane at times... before I go off the deep end, I'm going to stop... just telling you that I'm struggling with these fine folks being in my way...

Anyway.  To the WOD.  Went to CFDS if you couldn't tell, got to see a lot of my peoples, so it's always a good time.  I was actually RIGHT on time, but it didn't give me any time to get my shoes on, or really socialize like I prefer to do.  Missed a few stretches.  Nothing that I felt was vital, but yeah.  Got right into the strength portion of the WOD.  I really need to do a better job of having my 1RM around...might put them on a page on the blog so I can get at them from anywhere...

So I don't know what the 1RM is.  I guessed 135, but my math was awful.. durning warm ups, I stopped at 95, thought that would be good enough.  The work was 6 round EMOM of 2 push presses (we worked in sets of 2).  It was ok.  To be very transparent about it, 95 was heavy at first, but the last 4 rounds, it felt like it was waaaay to light to be 80%.  Might be some of the on the fly coaching I got.  Andy asked me if my strict press and push press were pretty close.  I told him yeah, I thought they were ( another reason to have that list digitized...).  He's not surprised... My push press isn't utilizing the push from the dip.  It looks right, but I'm not getting a lot of boost from the dip/drive, mainly doing a bouncy strict press.  As I worked on trying to use more of the momentum of the movement, the weight seemed exceedingly light... so it's either that, or I get stronger as I lift, maybe a bit of both.  Things to work on...

The METCON was something similar to a WOD I did at EST a week or so ago.  21-15-9 thrusters, toes to bar.  With my knee being a baby, I'm not really looking forward to this.  Dr. J gave me an adjustment on my knee pre WOD, and it felt better than it was before I started.  I decided on the middle of the three weight offered.  75lbs.  Cleaning that up to the front rack... it felt super light compared to the push press.  I hit the first 14 unbroken, I was feeling good.  The last 7 we're rough, I wanted to drop that bar.  The toes to bar... didn't hurt my hands like they do at EST.  I think part of it is the bar construction, and the fact it's about an inch or so higher than EST's.  The 15 I broke into 3 sets of 5, same on those t2b's.  The last set went 4, 3, 2.  I was gassed, sucking in that air.  Almost got all the t2b in the first pass, stopped short at 8, kicked myself, then got the 9th one.  7:28

This is the second WOD down here where I did better than I thought I would.  I could have gone faster... still working on that mental game and getting comfortable with being uncomfortable.  While I'd say breathing is super important to get right, I also need to get better about not using it as a crutch to stop and take a break.  Andy noticed on that last set, I came right off the rig, picked up the bar and started the thrusters.  Said I was looking a lot stronger.  Meant a lot to hear it, also means I need to keep that mentality going forward. 

Lucky for me, I get a chance to test that mentality tomorrow.... I took a sneak peek.  Cindy.  This is what my first thoughts were of Cindy... I think this was the first WOD of my second week of CrossFit.  I hit 9 that day.  I better beat that by AT LEAST a round tomorrow.... I'll let you know either way.  :)

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