Monday, April 21, 2014


Hey!  Time to play catch up.  The best laid plans of mice and men...or some such.  Didn't get the Friday workout in that I planned to, lots of quality excuses came up, but in the end, it really comes down to the fact I could have done it had I made better plans.  Read a book called Body-for-Life by Bill Phillips... in there he said if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.   Don't know if he stole it from anyone, but I'm stealing it from him. 

Cindy...I thought Fran was a bad name, Cindy...oh, Cindy is worse.  You see Fran, as you've seen by now (hopefully), Fran has a beginning, middle, end.  You know what she's bringing to the game, and what it's going to take to get done.  Cindy...she doesn't give you any idea what she's bringing, and you have no idea what it's going to take to get done (fell free to YouTube now).  Cindy wants you to do 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 squats.  Not so bad right, I mean Fran was 21-15-9 with thrusters and pull-ups, so whats the big deal right?  Well Cindy, she wants you to do a lot of them.  How many?  Guess that depends on you, cause she wants you to do as many as you can, in 20 minutes.  I did 9 today.  Probably not bad for a first timer on his second week of CrossFit, idk, we celebrate PR's at CrossFit, not who's better.  It's not a competition, unless you're on ESPN, then it kinda is...  Back to arms aren't even jello, they're something past that.  Pushing the cart around Target tonight...struggles we're had.  I tried to keep my form while messing with Cindy, but I confess, it didn't happen quite like I was planning...nearly face planted a few times, thought my arms were stronger than they were...but they'll be stronger next time, guaranteed.  

Let me ask you a question now.  How are your eating habits?  Two weeks ago, I was still doing Elements, just got done, and I wanted a big fat reward.  I wanted a burger (imagine me saying it with a thick Jersey accent).  Well I was covered in sweat, so the real burger joints were out, so BK it was.  I pulled up, was ready for a nice double cheeseburger.  Sign on the drive-thru said closed...for computer upgrades.  Well !#@$.  What now?  I went to Target, bought some apples, grapes, protein shakes, some nuts, and maybe a 5 hour energy (it's been two weeks, I don't remember exactly).  Didn't get my burger, but it was clearly the best thing that happened to me with BK being closed.  Went to Target again tonight (maybe I'll go to a real grocery store next week), and I walked past all the clearance Easter candy, walked past a lot of stuff I'd have stopped and considered buying just a few weeks ago, got my healthy snacks, protein shakes, etc.  Small victories are still victories, celebrate them (within reason :) )

I know I've got more to say, but it's late and suddenly it's all going out the door.  I'll get you some platitude the other time.


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