Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Double Postin'

Good morning.  You're in for a treat today, a rare double WOD post.  Seemed to have forgotten to talk about yesterdays WOD.  There is a bit to cover, so lets dive right in.  Yesterday, at about 0450, I get woken up from some fantastic sleep.  !@#$, it's time to go.  Most of our Lurong people are going to be at the 0530 class to get WOD 1 out of the way.  I'm home this week, so I begrudgingly decide to join them.  Yaaaawn.

I get there about 15 minutes early, and there are already 6 or 7 cars there.  I see people I haven't seen since Murph... so this is where they all hide.  I took a good 30 minutes to warm up, stretch, visit, and everything else you can think of.  I'm not the only one mind you, we're all like that.  Feels like a Monday.  Surprisingly, I'm awake.  No yawns, no "omg it's too early" or anything like that.  I'm ready to go. 

The Lurong WOD 1 was a 13 benchmark.  There were 3 scaling options, and while I could do most of 2 and 3, the pullups were my limiting factor, and so I went with option 1.  4 minutes calorie rowing, 1 minute rest, 3 minutes max effort (jumping) pullups, 1 minute rest, 2 minutes air squats, 1 minute rest, 1 minute shoulders to overhead 65#.

The 4 minutes of rowing sucked.  When it's just for time and's hard for me to stay focused and to keep a good rythm... really I haven't been rowing a lot in the past 3 weeks... and I could just be out of practice.  I ended up with 62....not the number I wanted, was aiming for 80...but it could have been worse.  That minute rest went by pretty quick, ot the jumping pullups.  The challenge read like you needed to be at least 14" below the bar, but that 14" was probably a good height.  I stood on 2 plates and was at almost 16", close enough.  When you think about jumping pullups...this should be mostly leg right?  Every time I do them, I pull with everything I've got to get up there, and I try not to just jump my chin over that bar.  That said, had I did more jumping, I may have gotten more... anyway, ended with 32.  That last minute and a half was killer. 

After the next break, those air squats... the day before was 1-1 of the squat cycle, so I'm by no means fresh.  I went and grabbed a med ball.  People were like "what are you doing?".  They thought I was crazy.  Told them that I wasn't going to cheat myself with half assed reps, was going to hit that ball every time.  And I did, 31 times.  Nothing fast mind you.  I'm still slow on the descend with every squat... probably why my cleans and snatches aren't awesome yet....actually it's probably a big reason why.  Now this last movement, shoulders to overhead... I had ground to overhead in my mind.  So I'm cleaning and then push pressing this 65 lbs as fast as I can, and I don't hear ANYONE else bar hitting the ground in that touch and go fashion.  I can see out the corner of my eye that I'm the only one doing this.  I did it the entire minute... as soon as it's done, I'm looking around and asking whats the deal... I completely missed the shoulder to overhead part...and apparently I read ahead to WOD 2 or 3 for the ground to overhead... oops.  13 movements. 

Total score of 139, not terrible, will get better by the end of the challenge.   After all of this, the better people were like "yeah, lets do a cool down".  I'm thinking noooooo, but I follow along.  100 situps.... are you kidding me.  Ug.  After about 23, my stomach started cramping up.  I would stop, do 2 or 3 more, stop, etc.  Lost track, so I stopped just after the last person.  Did some quick yoga to stretch the abs back out... wasn't enough.  LOL.  I was talking with Jordan after we were done, and I made the comment that the only thing I was worried about being sore about, was the abs....

So that was yesterday.  Got it done, and it was pretty good getting up early, and getting everything done.  Fast forward to today...and yeah, my abs are hurting...which means tomorrow is going to be awful.  I got up early again for the 0530 class today...  didn't sleep as well, lots of those 1 hour naps all night.  Kinda sucked.  I'm not very sharp right now, and I'm probably going to finish this, send a few emails, and go take a nap...

Today I didn't do the WOD...well, not all of it, but rather 1-2.  1-2 was overhead squatting.  I wont bother you with all the numbers and how we got here.  It was 3 rounds of OHS, the first 2 were supposed to go to one less than your failure.  I had some of the same problems that I had with 1-1.  I wasn't really into it, and I didn't do that great.  I ended up with 10, then 8.  And really, those numbers are bullshit.  I know I can do better, but I mentally punked out.  The last round was to go to failure, and I made it to 12 before I stopped.  The more I think about this, the more frustrated I get... and really, I didn't sleep well, and it's day 3 of WODding... I shouldn't be that mad... it's all process.  I'll be doing more next week for sure. 

So after the OHS, the few of us squatting merged with the main class for the WOD.  12-9-6 of power snatch and box jumps.  Let me tell you, I confidently went over and grabed some 25's off the stack and put them up on the bar.  As I racked the bar to bring it to the floor, my first thought was "oh hell na" Gabriel Iglesias says it.  JUST LIKE THIS   So I went and grabbed 15's, and it was more of what I needed.  Not a lot to say really, the snatch suffered as I was suffering, and the box jumps were step ups...and after all this leg work, it was rough.  Then, after all this... 600m row.  Which, frankly, I treated as part cool down.  Got done in 08:11, which was middle of the pack... 2 minutes off the leader, 1 minute ahead of the last guy... I'll take it for now. 

Alright, thats all that I've got.  Need to get moving on the rest of the day, so I apologies for any grammar errors, hopefully you get what I was trying to say.  Catch you next time. 

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