Friday, September 19, 2014


Today almost didn't happen.  After talking with my man Andy Paller, I made the snap decision to go to the box at noon to knock out 1-3.  I really didn't want to do it see, and I IM'd Andy on FB, telling him that I was thinking about abandoning the cycle.  I really wasn't feeling it, didn't really want to do it... I didn't have a good reason to stop.  I'm not hurt, I'm not why quit?  My guess is that I'm still in my head over how 1-1 and 1-2 went down.  Sitting here now, I know I'll get better and do better.

I got to the box late, made the decision late... and only a few of the normal nooners are there.  Smiles, nods, a mumbled apology to Clay for being late, and the stretches.  I tried to put a lot of effort into getting looser this time, and I did a lot better with some written instruction on the board that I happened to miss when doing 1-1.  I feel good, I feel ready.  I brought my notebook with me this week.  I took some of Jordans advice, used 90% of my 1RM and called it my training 1RM, then figured my numbers off of there, and did it all pre workout, saved me some time I think. 

There really isn't much to say about squatting... it wasn't fun, and at first it felt really heavy, but as I got on with it, none of it was impossible.  I did have one squat, it was the 5th one on my last set of back squats at 80%.  I got to the bottom, and I stopped.  Hard.  A quick moment of panic...thought about dropping the weight, thought about reaching forward for balance... Tory saw me and started barking at me to push, fight it.  He knew exactly what had happened.  I took a quick breath and pushed my big butt back up.  The last two weren't really an issue.  Having told you that, I'm happy I've gotten more comfortable in a deep squat.  As much as I hate goblet squats (I blame them on my knee woe's if you're new to this blog), I think they helped me when I had that extra weight on my shoulders today. 

Not much to say on the front squats other than I may need to round up a little and put more on there. 

Lurong has been difficulty, I'm having trouble getting back to a paleo lifestyle.  Apparently I fell off the wagon and rolled a ways away.  I'm working back to it, making better choices daily.  Should be solid by next week, I hope.  Going back to DE for the week.  Miiiiiiight try to do a two-a-day, we'll see, I'm not crossing my fingers....and as dense and woodsy as some of the roads to Unlocked are, I could as easily hit a deer and not do any WOD's next week...

Tomorrow or Sunday I'll be doing WOD 2 for Lurong.  Probably wont blog about it.  Three things I can tell you now about it.  1, it's going to be awful.  2, it's 9 minutes of burpess and ground to overhead movements that get progressively heavier.  3, "I don't wanna!".  Benchmarks are there for a reason though, so I might as well just #suckitupbuttercup

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