Thursday, September 25, 2014


Man I'm tired... Fatigued might be a better word.  In the span of 3 days I've done 4 WOD's now.  Last night I was up at CFDS, and we did some fun stuff, things I've never done in a CF box before.  I did barbell pullups for the first time...weird to do, but it gave me my first real taste of what an actual pullup will feel like, and what it's going to take... I may be closer to using bands and kipping than I realize...then again, I may not be.  :)  My biggest takeaways were my lack of grip, and my forearm strength... and they're probably related.   I fatigued big time with that...way more than I expected. 

Other fun things we did... curls.  LOL.  We actually did deadlifts, the pullups I was just talking about, HSPU's and situps, and then a 4x25 of curls and tricep extensions.  Beach season is coming to a close, I'm thinking maybe we should have done these a few months ago... What I did end up saying was that this WOD was the kind of WOD that makes driving an issue afterwards.  My arms felt shredded, and had this been my first workout in months, I don't think I'd have been able to hold the steering wheel... but this wasn't my first workout, and shredded or not, I had no issues getting home. 

Once I got back "home" to the hotel, I took a gander at what the mornings WOD would be a Unlocked... It looked like something I could do, and if I went to bed right away, I'd get 7 hours.  Close enough.  So I tried to go to bed right away... didn't quite workout.  Think I got closer to 6 hours.  Yaaawn. 

This is another first for the week... a WOD on Thursday morning.  Never have I done that...and I may never tired... anyway, moving on.  There was more deadlift work today, I didn't go quite as heavy as I would have normally, seeing as I'd just done deadlifts about 12 hours prior.  After those, we did 3 rounds of max reps of power cleans (at whatever weight you chose, looking for 70% 1RM).  I chose 135 since I'd done 115 and was fine when I did 14.4 on Tueseday... my first set, went 1 rep... and I knew it was too heavy today, so I stopped and went down to the 115.  Good call, it was still challenging, but I was able to do at least 5 unbroken each time. 

Last piece of this morning was an 8 minute AMRAP.  40 DU's, 20 situps, 10 deadlifts.  I kept the same 115 for the deadlifts... I could have done the RX 185, but I wanted to get through more than 1 round, so I stuck with what was already on the bar.  I'm trying to get this out before I have to leave to catch a plane, so I'll be brief about it... I'm still counting singles as doubles... I can't justify doing 80 singles when it takes me a long time to do the DU number.  Case in point, just doing 40 singles, I was still the last one to move to the sit-ups today.  The sit-ups sucked after doing a bunch yesterday, and the deadlifts were fine.  Ended up almost getting to the deadlifts in the 3rd round, but not quite.  I want to do this one again before Christmas, I feel like I'll see some big improvement in the coming months. 

It's been what?  4, 5 months now?  I should go back and's been really awesome to see the growth in muscles and ability, see the shirking of the waistline, and getting to know all these awesome CrossFit athletes and coaches.  I'm excited to hit 6 months and take a good measure of how far I've come.  Thank you all for being part of this awesome community, it wouldn't be what it is without you. 


1 comment:

  1. Big week for you man! You defiantly have to post a 6 month status check. If you have a wod written down from the first week, you should redo it and add that to the post.
