Thursday, September 4, 2014

Last hot day of the year

Thats not to say that there wont still be warm ones, but according to the guessers, todays 96 was it.  Summer (heat) is over....and I'm still wearing two shirts for workouts.... there is always next year, and quite honestly, if I haven't dropped the rest of this 54lbs by then, I'll be shocked. 

WOD today wasn't a fan favorite from my point of view, but in the very very very same breath, it's snatch work, and it's stuff I really really want to get better at... so into the trenches I go.  For the strength we're working on a hang full snatch.  The goal was to work to a heavy weight... knowing my 1RM of a full snatch is just 75lbs... I started all my work with just a bar, and moved up to just having 10 pound bumpers on it. 

I struggled with this weight... 75 is my 1RM for a very good reason.  I tried to work on OHS's a bit, so I'd do one full snatch, then do another OHS.  Funny thing is, found out thats what we're working tomorrow... so I'll get a shot at doing this stuff twice.  :)  What killed me was after we were done, hearing an owner/coach saying that he went light with the 95lbs... I'm over here thinking shoooooot, 95lbs is going to be a PR dance kinda day for me. 

Let me tell you, I've been a bit beatup recently.  Shoulder is still sore...tender to the touch really.  Had a Stop n' Pop visit with @IamTheHealer tonight, so everything is at least lined up again.  I'm looking forward to Sat and Sunday off.  I'm talking real rest and recouperation.  Knee was fine from yesterday...might be the shoes.  Anyway, after tomorrow, and the rest, it's back to the grind in Delaware.  Plan on stopping by both CFDS and Unlocked next week.  Can't wait, it's been too long already.

Oh, and the New Balance replacements are ready...that will be a nice pickup as well.  Less equipment to pack....maybe.  

The METCON for tonight was a little 7 min AMRAP of 7 ground to overhead 135/95 RX and 7 toes to bar.  I'm really considering doing toes to rig... my hands get sore doing toes to bar, and it might actually be a better movement as far as getting the ab benefit out of the workout... better ask someone about that. 

I picked a heaver weight than in the past... like I've gone up a lvl :)  95lbs today, and I wanted to push it hard.  Started out doing power snatches... that lasted exactly 3 pulls... then it was power cleans with a push press.  Felt I could do more unbroken, faster this way.  Old Dan (from last week) would have been doing this at 75lbs and gotten 3 sets + almost a 4th one done.  After days of PR's this week, new day did it at a heavier weight, faster.  4 sets + 4 more ground to overheads.  I pushed myself today, a bit further than before... I like the results, I'm going to have to make this a regular thing.

Not much else to say on the day... I'm letting the impending Lurong Challenge be my excuse to eat like a d-bag.  On the way home tonight, stopped by Taco Bell... I already feel it... could be a painful evening...and I'm talking the gas moving around, that ish hurts...but Wendys was closed early.  New hours they say... I don't eat poorly enough, often enough to know these things... *shrug*

 Parting thought...and this is as much to put it on here as to give a heads up to any coaches reading... EST is starting a squat cycle next week, and I'm going to TRY to do it in addition to any WOD I do out in DE... It may not work out, but if I can get one of the three days in, it will make hitting the rest easier on the weekends home.   Anyways, it's late...or early... so I'm out. 

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