Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Dirty 30

I think the fatigue continues... more on that later.  Had a great weekend.  Didn't do a lick of CrossFit, didn't do a lick of paleo...and I still had fun.  Crazy.  LOL.  Went to a buddies wedding down near Branson, MO.  First time down there, beautiful, hilly country.  Sure it looks amazing when the leaves are changing.  Wouldn't want to be there for snow/ice though. 

Took Monday off, couldn't bring myself to the box.  Today, it was day 5 of no workouts, so I felt like I had to show up...that and the WOD looked fun.  The drive in, I wasn't feeling it.  My knees have been having a hard time all weekend, I'm being a baby... or so I think.  Still, despite my best efforts to talk myself out of it, I made it to the box.  Dirty 30 today (in case it's not a universal set) went as follows:

Dirty 30
-30 Box Jump 24/20
-30 Jumping Pull-Ups
-30 KBS 35/26
-30 Steps of Walking Lunge
-30 Knees to Elbows
-30 Push Press 45/35
-30 Back Extensions
-30 WB
-30 Burpees
-30 Double Unders

Did step ups, and they felt good, quads were burning, but thats expected.  Jumping pullups, did these just like the Lurong challenge.  Breathing hard now.  KB swings weren't awful.  Haven't done them in a while, was kinda nice to do them again.  Had some problems with the walking lunges.  I didn't tie my shoes tight enough, so my feet were sliding around.  Knees to elbows... I'm really starting to hate the rig at Establish, it kills my hands.  Maybe I need gloves?  Back extensions were supposed to be on this piece of equipment, forget what it's called.  I did good-mornings with a barbell instead.  Wall Balls are where the problems really start.  I did my first one, and as I'm catching the second one, in the squat, I stop.... I mean it was a hard stop, there was no pop to get back up.  I put the ball down and walked away for about 20 seconds.  I tried to go back to it, got 2 more, and had to stop again.  I mean these things are not looking like wall balls at all,this time.  I'm moving, but there is no speed or power in these movements.  I took a good 30 maybe 40 seconds.  I was more than ready to quit on these.  I told myself to just make it to 10.  If it takes 3 minutes, then fine, at least do 10.  I got to 10.  It didn't take 3 minutes, but man, it hurt.  My quads are in a bad way.  Tried to finish strong with the burpees.  I lost count.  I kept going to the last person was done, and then I did 5 more.  The doubles I did as singles, and got through it.  19:02.  About 2 minutes over what I was aiming for. 

Back to these wall balls... my quads quit on me the first time.  I probably quit on them the second.  I'm tired.  I mean I still feel fatigued in my legs.  Those wall balls ate my lunch.  I really think I may be done with the squat cycle.  This should be week 3 for me, but I don't think I have it in me.  As much as I struggled with the WB's, and as intense as the burn was, coupled with the lack of power.... I feel like my quads need time to get it together.  Maybe jumping to week 4's deload week is the answer?  I don't know.  I don't know if taking time off (as in doing nada) is the answer?  I hurt and I'm sore... but how much of this is mental and how much is legit physical? 

1 comment:

  1. To add on to that, I think some of the mental fatigue comes from trying to get a squat cycle, the Lurong WOD's and regular WOD's done. The added stress of trying to get all these done in a given week, eating well, and getting plenty of sleep, all while dealing with work and life... might be a bigger part in all of this than I want to give it credit for.
