Saturday, September 6, 2014

Fullfilment and frustration with snatching

I need some help here.  I've found a way to miss the second part of a WOD for the second time this week.... and it's related to squatting, which was done on both days.  Here's the deal.  I do all the stretching and warmups, get throught the squatting, and then my right knee/leg acts funny... I don't really know how to describe it... I feel like it's maybe a tendon or something running from the back of my knee down the fibula?  I don't know what it is, but in the movement of walking at about the point in this picture below, is there I feel it along the right side of my calf and behind the knee... it feels like it's behind the meaty part of the calf and runs down the right side...  I hope I'm explaining this well enough...

It's a weird feeling, it doesn't really stop me from moving, but at the same time, I've got the sense to not keep pushing it.  I have several theories on whats causing it... One, it's the shoes...and I'm wearing lifters, but maybe my feet are too wide for them.  Two, it could be the squats themselves.  Three, it could be my mobility, which I think is pretty good as is.  Four, it might be the goblet squats in the warmups.  Could be all or none of these. 

To expand upon the goblet squat theory, the past two squat WOD have had me holding this squat for one to two minutes.  It's not very comfortable, but thats not the issue.  Holding the squat for the time required... I feel it very acutely in that same area that has this issue... so it might just be I need to lay off the goblet squats.  Seeing as EST is starting a squat cycle next week, and I'd like to participate, I'm going to have to watch this fairly closely. 

The WOD today was... well if you haven't figured it out, squatting.  Overhead squatting to be precise.  The goal was to work up to a heavy weight that you could do 5 reps without a no-rep.  My 1RM is 75lbs, which coincides with my snatch 1RM.  In other words, putting anything on the bar is a heavy weight for me... and by anything, I mean 2-10lb bumpers/plates.  I refuse to use a bar and anything's a machismo thing.  I got 5 done at 65lbs.  Lots of arm wobbles at the end.  Need to work on this stability...

Rather than add 2-5lb weights and try to match it, I went for glory on the very next set, added 2 more 10's.  Had another athlete across the rig from me watching, cheering, encouraging ... It's a free standing rig, so people are on both sides... also had Torrey (todays coach) there.  I got the first one done, second one... and then I got real wobbly, so I brought it down.  I bring up the other athlete, because she was in the way of what I was trying to focus on.  So as I'm standing tall, I can see the object, as I squat, she's in the way... I'm more worried about not looking like I'm staring, than focusing on the lift... minute later, she's grabbing more weights, and the coach is on the other side of the box with some newer athletes.  Man, I grabbed that bar, threw it up, and busted out 5 smooth OHS.  Only a little shaking at the end.  New PR, and it was 5 reps of it. 

Apparently I need to REALLY focus on these.  Probably need to practice holing weight overhead for a longer period than a typical snatch or press. 

After hitting that, I grabbed two five pound plates, and tried to do it again.  My distractions were back, and after two, something took my focus, and that was it, wobbly, three, stood up with my arms waving all over the place.  Brought it down for everyones safety.  Another PR.  :)  Makes it 95... now there aren't as many excuses why I can't get some more weight on my snatch.  Playing that mental game now.

That was it for me though, knee started acting funny, decided not to do the rest of the WOD...and it was a fat burner, a bit bummed that I didn't try to do it, but in the same breath, I haven't really hurt myself yet...I don't see the need to start now.  Time to rest up, and get ready for next week. 

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