Tuesday, September 9, 2014


I apologize in advance for any grammar or spelling errors I'm super tired, and trying to get this out in 20 minutes...  Three hours of sleep and then I didn't sleep on my flight...oh, and then there was the first time doing Fight Gone Bad, thats probably a factor too.

Ok, coming back to this in the AM, my laptop had problems in the hotel, so I just shut it down, went to bed.  Usually iron my clothes and grocery shop on travel Mondays, but I was bushed.  As you can see above, Fight Gone Bad.  Had some after effects this morning as I was walking around WalMart for groceries.  Had a bit of a limp... not sure how serious this is, I feel fine... monitor it tonight at CFDS, which is going to be a gnarly workout... did one similar at EST not too long ago. 

Back to F.G.B.  Showed up at the newly signed... new signaged...whatever... at Unlocked... and got to see the new sign on the roadway for myself.  I didn't take this picture yesterday, it was drizzling, but this here it is in all it's glory. 

So I roll in, start stretching, catch up with coach Dave, we start talking about life in general, I mention my knee/calf issue, and he's like "oh yeah, just read about that today".  Still a very cool and somewhat humbling experience having people tell me they read what I write.  Thanks Dave.

After all the how you doings and catching up has been had, got some stretching done, it's time to get to bidness.  Space...or rather, not having everyone have equipment out was the goal, so we split it up into people starting at different parts of the workout, so we wouldn't have lines, or everyone trying to do things at one time.  The workout for those of you not in the know, 5 stations, 1 minute on each station.  Wallballs, sumo deadlift highpull at 75#, box jumps, push press 75#, and then a calorie row.  After all that, 1 minutes rest, then repeat two more times. 

The 20# wallball still kills me, I go a lot slower with it, so I dropped to a 14.  I also modded the box jump to my double plates.  Have more to say on that in a minute... but that was it, I modded 2 movements rather than all of them... nice to know I'm getting closer to RX on workouts I haven't done before. 

With the WOD being split up, I made this mistake of choosing to do the calorie row first.  There is a good reason it's at the end... getting into and out of the foot straps takes time, and as you get more tired, you...or at least I, tend to get slower.  In other words I waste/lose time...plus to go from that right to wall balls just isn't very fun.  The first round went ok.  the rowing was good, 21 calories I think, better than the next two rounds anyway.  Wallballs I moved from the 20 to the 14 after like 4, and I think it was the right call.  Sumo deadlift highpulls..... I need to spend a little more time doing these.  I haven't done many prior to this, so I have a pretty good idea that they were very very very ugly.  The weight was fine, but that form... ug.  Next was the box jump, or for me the plate jumps.  My legs are already gel like, but I was able to jump the entire round.  Feel like I was close to biting it on just 8" of plates... but I didn't.  The first round of push press was pretty solid.  Tried to bounce a few of them... as in as the bar is coming down, rather than stopping it at the shelf, then doing the next dip, drive, I would take it down to the base of the dip, then push it right back up.  Might be "cheating" might be a shortcut, I don't know.  I do know I didn't do it very often, was getting worn out.  TIME.  wow... 5 minutes was quick, and really long at the same time.  86.  Not awful, room for improvement....

The next two rounds were quite a bit rougher.  Took a little longer to get off the rower, the wall balls had a few more breaks, the sumo pulls actually got uglier, and on and on.  The box jumps...er, plate jumps.  They stopped all together.  I has a 10 second pause... lost time really.  I was torn between stealing someones box and doing step ups, or doing step ups on my plates.  I went with the plates in front of me, but in the future, until I'm doing box jumps, I'm going to do step ups on a box if I can't jump.  The push press, at the end... last round at the end to clarify... those push presses looked more like a struggling strict press.  No bounce.  At all. 

I get it now.  Fight Gone Bad.  I'm happy I did it, always seem to get rough ones on Monday at Unlocked... wouldn't have it any other way.  My first WOD was on a Monday.  It was Fran...so having to deal with rough stuff on Mondays is kind of par for the course.  Ended up with 207, which is frankly better than I thought I was going to do.  Strong rowing and the shorter step ups were probably the saving grace. 

My knee/fibula issue, I'm going to have  Dr. J at CFDS see if maybe there itras some subluxation going on, and at least get it adjusted before the WOD tonight, maybe it will help.  If thats not enough, I'll have to take it to WebMD or something... see what my issue is/could be.  Need it gone ASAP, especially with the squat programming I'm trying to do. 

Other news... the Lurong may be making a difference already.   Woke up this morning feeling really good about life...  LOL.  Like I was better rested that before, seemed a bit more energized.  Could be the extra sleep... it does claim to boost energy though, and I didn't feel the need for caffeine in the morning... I'll keep an eye on this.  I'm forgetting something...probably get it in tonight if I remember what it is.  Until then my friends. 

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