Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Are Chippers really chippers?

Oh man!  The best way to start your Monday, in my opinion, is to be asleep.  That said, I wasn't able to sleep much at all, so I went to CFUnlocked this Monday morning, did a chipper WOD, and am having a pretty solid start to my day.  Hopefully yours is pretty solid as well. 

I need to backup a bit, and talk about the days between my last post and today.  I took more of them off than perhaps I should have, but I did get the Lurong WOD in on Friday.  You people reading this are some of the few who would understand it when I say my butt hurt all weekend.  Some things we just can't say to non fitness people, know what I mean ;)  ?  That WOD had a ton of thrusters in it, and after taking some time away to let my body get back to good... I had sore glutes for two days....

So work had me back in DE on Sunday night, I got in about 10, by the time I got settled, it was 1030.  I should have got a respectable 6 hours of sleep, but I was worried about getting up on time, so I tossed and turned all night.  It sucked.  It was after 4 when I FINALLY got that good sleep...and I remember looking at the clock and thinking, I bet now I'll finally knock out and be super tired when 5 hits.  Sure enough, called it like a Vegas bookie.

It was hard getting up this morning.  I mean I walked around that room for a good 3 minutes looking for stuff I'd laid out the night before (knowing I'd probably be looking for it anyway...).  Got everything, got in the car, and about the point I was 10 minutes down the road, a complete 180.  Eyes were clear, motor was running, I was ready to WOD.  Good thing too, a chipper isn't something you want to go into yawning if you can help it.

Showed up, did some row work as the skill work.  We did... a dampner test?  I forget what it was called, but worked on finding what our rower dampner should be set to.  4.5, 4.75...somewhere over 4 and a half but not quite 5 is my ideal range.  Who knew.  Works for me though, not going to say it was my fastest 250 split, but I think it was a pretty good time.  This would beat my PR for the 1k by 20-30 seconds... not shabby. 

The chipper today was a 100m run (row), 20 OHS, 30 bar facing burpees, 40 bar jump overs, 50 straight leg situps, then 40 jump overs 30, 20, etc.  I'd be lying if I said I was super excited for this.  30 burpees at one time... my numbers are steadily dropping, but that is still several minutes of exhaustive labor for me.  Starting at the beginning, the row was super easy and quick.  The OHS, not so much.  I tried to go through them quickly, but I couldn't.  Latent trauma from the squat cycle maybe :P  When I put the bar down, I stripped the weights... set the bar on the weigts and proceeded to do the jump overs.  Could I have done them with the weights on?  Probably... well, maybe.  I'll try next time, this time I was fighting a mental and physical battle, try to make the next one physical only. 

For some reason situps have become the paper cut of my CrossFit existence.  Even as a super chunkster, I could bang out situps and crunches at skinny guy speed.... but now it's like they mysteriously got harder with these back pad.  Not sure what the deal is, but after 25 or 30, I want to wave that white flag.  The second set of jumpovers when a lot faster than the first.  I concentrated on that speed, pretended I was running a soccer or football drill.  It's amazing how much more I can accomplish when I really focus on what I'm doing... should probably keep that in mind every workout.  I didn't have that focus on the second set of burpees.  I just kept going till everyone else was done, then did 3 more for good measure....probably should have done 5 more just to be sure.

The last set of OHS were ugly.  Jeff told me just to worry about keeping my chest tall, not necessairly about the depth... this was both very welcome, and slightly insulting... not that Jeff would insult me, I'm insulted by my body for not being able to do these with good form in a "professional" manner.  I did mostly OHS's at the end... I'm not proud of it, moving on...  finished with the row, it was quick and easy.  I like this new 4.5-4.75 thing, so happy to have found that.

I was wiped out.  CFDS had a really good WOD that I saw later today, and I really wanted to go do it... but frankly, my body said no.  I was so tired from the lack of sleep, and I suspect my body remembered the last time I had this much sleep and did a double... so it was a non starter today.  Too bad... maybe tomorrow :)  

I'm somewhat happy with what I accomplished today... I never came to a real "stop and rest" period.  Thatst not to say I didn't stop and grab a few gulps of air here or there, but I don't remember a hands on my hips, watching the clock type of rest.  +1 for my Monday mental fitness.  We'll see what Tuesday holds...

To the question asked by the post title... I think I consider chippers to be more like AMRAPS with a rep limit rather than a time limit.  To me, a chipper is something much larger... like Murph or some of the other hero WODs.  Something that is so monstrous that you have to break it down to do it.... to chip away at the numbers.  Maybe thats just me. 

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