Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Being hurt sucks.  Not being able to WOD, doubly so.  To compound the issue further, I didn't even do it...at least not really.  What?  How does that happen Dan?  Great question, I don't know.  I pulled something while I was sleeping.  Woke up on Monday with this pull/strain feeling in my shoulder/back/neck area.   Left scapula, between it and the spine.  Think thats also the trapezius muscle area.  Here it is Tuesday, no better.  Going to have to see my man @Iamthehealer tonight, can't keep this up, it's cramping my style.

I mean really...getting hurt while you sleep...how do you do that.  Irritating.  Today's WOD is Diane with a mile run up this gnarly hill afterwards.  I wanted to go, somewhat badly.  I want to do deadlifts.  I don't know why, I've only done them in 1 WOD, but for some reason they call to me.  I've discovered a love for weightlifting I guess, maybe after tonights chiro visit, I'll be ready for Wednesday. 

Figure today is a good enough time to go over the goals I set forth almost 2 months ago and my thoughts around each one:

1 real pushup--I've got a weak upper body...at least for now.
**I'm probably real close to this, been doing barbell and ring pushups, might have to try this out during a warmup in the future.  And I mean elbow back, not out for the "real" part of that**

1 pullup, working towards 1 strict pullup
**This is ambition by the end of the year, I may try bands in the coming weeks to see if I've come that far yet.  Lots of ring rows in my future I fear, but it's ok, I'm the King. **

Drop 30 lbs before my work takes me away from CFDS
**This didn't happen, not long after I put this out there, I got pulled.  I was down 23 lbs in 7 weeks though, and I should be on the scales this Friday, hopefully down another 7 lbs to make this one at least done...ish**

Find a max for every move we've got
**This may have been a goal made by someone who didn't quite know what he's talking about, and it's probably not something I'll have done for a while.  Keeping at it**

Drop 60 lbs by the end of the year ( I really expect to keep moving this one back)
** I fully expect to crush this, especially if I hit that 30lbs in 10 weeks.  **

Get to RX (or whatever it is) for every move
**Work in progress, still trying to get that form looking better**

Show improvement on half the benchmark workouts I get into Wodify.
**Don't have Wodify in KC yet, but I'm sure I've improved everything, I'm stronger than when I started**

The rest of the goals were more of a 2 year set, and while I've made progress on them, I'm still a ways off. 

Deep thought of the day: Limits, like fears, are often an illusion. 

CrossFit has taught me that the limits I and other people have, are often mental.  I have to confess, I usually find myself in a bit of awe during that moment when a cliche comes to life.  So when I say something like...or hear something like "it's all mental" or "it's 10% physical, 90% mental", I finally get it.  Sometimes it takes a while, moms always said I learned things the hard way... 

Give you a personal example.  If I told you that you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?  I heard this a lot in cartoons, movies, and jokes growing up.  Didn't get it, was always like "why would she hold it against you dummy, that's a complement".  See?  I think I was...maybe 21 (22?)  when it clicked.  I don't remember where I was, I think working, but it just clicked, and I stopped what I was doing, had a big smile on my face, and just looked at the ground for a second shaking my head.  So simple, yet here I am at 21 (or 22) and I'm just now getting it... #smh

I'm now stuck in the past going over some of those incidents, maybe I'll share them later...for now I'm getting some popcorn and enjoying these memories. 

J/k on the popcorn. 

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