Monday, July 27, 2015

Not my knee again...

Man oh man oh man, I can't catch a break.  Lets start at the beginning... Sleep was good for a travel day, not good overall, but good for the day (6 hours?).  Got some sleep on the plane, spent all day catching up on emails from last week... and then I saw the WOD.  Snatches, LOTS of snatches.  Instant worry about my shoulder after Fridays workout... oh, and squatting... man.

Get back to the hotel, get changed, and do some oly stretches on the wall, cause I know I'm not going to get that at Soulshine.  Get there in time to watch the 6pm class die in the WOD... oh man.  Then it's over... so we help them break down some of their bars, and then it's time for the warmup.  With snatches, yet again, we get to go through the Burgener warmup.  Here is my issue with Soulshine... the box is just small enough, that there isn't exactly a lot of room on the floor to do my own warmups for things like the oly wall sit, my Unlocked pipe work, or really anything I need at the moment... why this is important, the Burgener warmup goes into squat movements pretty quick... my knees need time to lube themselves up and warm up... idk... it's what it feels like to me.

So we get through this, and it's time for a 2 minute EMOM of 7 rounds.  Doing a snatch progression of power snatch, hand squat snatch, full squat snatch.  I was under the impression that we didn't want to let the bar go, so I didn't go very heavy at all, 75#s.  I think if I could have done it with dropping the bar, I'd have tried 95#s.  It would have been a lot harder and would have required a lot of focus, but I think it would have been a good one.

Tweaked my knee somewhere in this, and I'm not sure what at fault, or if it was a combination of events.  Was it the minimal warmup, was it the movement, was it my form?  I'm not sure.  The firs 2 or 3 hang squat snatches were UGLY.  I didn't want to get under the bar or something, caught it higher than I should have, then took it down.  Also came up on my toes a time or two, but I never dropped the bar.  As bad as the hangs were, it was the full snatches that got me.  There were several instances where I'm at the bottom of the snatch, and I can fully tell that my right foot is not flat in the heel... and I don't know if it's my knee doing that, or is it the not being flat that's causing an issue with my knee?  I get through it regardless, my last lifts being my best.

12 minute time cap.  21-15-9 of full squat snatches, chest to bar pullups.  I knew I was going to do jumping pullups, and we just did the squat snatches earlier... fine, lets do this.  VERY FIRST LIFT, got in my own head... I was JUST doing these, and now I'm lifting like a jackass.  No depth, terrible pull, all around bad.  After the first 3, I dropped the bar, frustrated.  I get my mind back in it, and they did get better, more like the strength part, but I wasn't stringing very many together.  My right heel is off the ground, my knee is bugging me... I'm getting irritated.  Went all the way to 4 minutes, and I'm still not done... I got mad, like angry, had what were three of the best lifts of the night, good form, explosive... in a word, correct.  Finally done.  Go over to the rig, squat a little, jump.  Ow.  Shake it off.  Repeat.  OW!  ....  not a good feeling.  Again.  OOOOWWW.  Fuqq.  I spent a minute just holding on to the rig... wasted a minute I should say.  Stretched it to two as I walked over to coach Carmen.  Basically said look, my knee isn't cooperating, I need something.  She told me to get back to the bar, and she'd have something set up.

15 power snatches, not so bad, all things considered.  I worked on my pull... determined to get something positive out of this... and you know what, my pull was better... it's really quite something when you just do it like you're trained, and not what "feels" like it's right.  What I'm saying is I thought a lot more about the pull, keeping the elbows high, "snapping" the weight overhead.  Gotta say, if I ever figure out how to stay 100% tuned into every lift, I might have something here... Get those snatches up, turn around.... and.... ring rows.  Alright.  Worked my way down to a good depth... harder than I've done in a long time, possibly the hardest angle I've ever done.  Ok gains, I see you there, sneaky way to show up.  Time was running out... I got the last 9 snatches done in the 70 seconds, then that was that.  The call this workout "Snake Bite".  Not sure I fully get it... though it does feel like a snake bit my knee. 

Alright.  Aftermath, I iced the knee, and got a few things done tonight, still need to iron.  I did wear the Junk headband tonight... it did pretty stinking well.  I didn't drip much sweat at all, the band stayed in place all workout, and my eyes are not red from getting sweat in them.  In short, I love them.  #junkheadbands are the real deal.  They're a little more than the Halo's, and I need to see how it holds up to a wash or 10, but right off the rack, I was very impressed.

Last thing, got all my supplements here, so I should finally be able to start taking them like I should.  Mega mens, fish oil, and ibuprofen (now....aparently). 

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