Tuesday, July 7, 2015

I finally did it....

Finally, I've given up.  I'm done.  I can't do it anymore.  No more hope.  No more "maybe next time it will be better".  No more disappointment. 

I finally threw the New Balance shoes away. 

I actually threw them away at Soulshine, but I needed to walk around Wal-Mart, pick up some chicken and what not, didn't want to do it in my socks, so I rescued them, only to throw them away at the hotel. 

Bad workout man... actually, it was a good WOD, but I felt my back get tight like it was bout to be a baaaaad night, so I had to stop early.  Not pleased.  Only one WOD I can remember where something didn't go wrong while wearing the New Balance... They had to go. 

Strength tonight was a snatch grip deadlift.  2-2-2-2.  The instruction was to go heavier than anything you can snatch, but not deadlift heavy.  I did more than I was expecting to.  Not saying it was a lot, but I thought I'd do 150 maybe?  Ended up doing 185.  It wasn't overly heavy, but it was a good weight for the grip.  The knurling on the bar built some callouses tonight. 

3 rounds for time.  21 front squats (115), 15 box jumps, 9 power snatches (115).  Had I been fresh, and in my lifters, I probably could have done that.  I'm tired today, and I'm in my NB's, so I figure I'd go with 95 to be safe.  I bombed out on the first set of front squats.  10 was all I could do before dropping the bar.  TERRIBLE FORM.  Rounded back, learning forward, all around awful.  I had to go to an empty barbell.... unhappy about that.  Got them done though. 

FINALLY did some box jumps.  I used their 6" soft box.  I might actually be able to do 12", but again, tired, not the right shoes, I'm glad I stuck with the 6.  Nice to finally do something, going to have to make plates and everything else a priority.  Step ups are good, great maybe, but I'd like to get to jumping more.  Those were easy enough.  The snatches, sucked.  I mean I just didn't have it.  I think I did more snatch grip jerks than anything.  It just didn't feel like I was doing it right, maybe I was?

I actually took the last snatch down into a set of 3 front squats at 95.  Carmen came over quite quickly, was like no, don't do that, we don't want you limping home talking about "look what New York did to me".  I had to LOL.  I made it through the entire second round, and then the tightness.  Lower left back.  PISSED.  There was a 15 minute time cap, could have made it.  Stretched some, kept it loose, cleaned up, chatted, then threw the shoes in the trash.  In front of everyone.  Felt good.  Digging them out of the trash... no one saw it.  LOL. 

I'm on the lookout for new shoes.  Right now I'm soliciting suggestions.  Under Armour is leading right now but it's a running shoe with a 10mm drop.  I'm willing to look at anyone, including New Balance... it just wont be the style I just dumped.

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