Monday, July 6, 2015

Don't shop hungry....

... cause you end up buying a bunch of crap.  Usually.  Thankfully, I had some self control, didn't buy a bunch of crap.  More fruit than Madison would probably like, but I was hungry... that and the fact that until that moment, the only thing I had to eat all day was bagel with cream cheese at the airport.  Keep this in mind.... 400 some odd calories, maybe, and that was all I had before this workout. 

Right before I get into that, I'm getting used to the CPAP.  Used to sleep with my mouth open at night, have been for... ever.  At least as far as I can remember.  Have a nasal only mask thing... it's weird to me, but the pressure keeps the mouth closed.  IDK, we'll see how this part goes.  Rest sounds real good, regardless of how I'm getting it. 

Alright, so now you're all caught up.  Little sleep, it's a travel Monday.  Not much food as you can see, and now it's time to workout.  The strength piece is a 3 set with 6 reps at a same weight.  I warmed up with my boy Mike.  We hit the weight I wanted to do early.  I made the joke that I'd used up all the good will cartilage that I'd managed to save up over the past few months... might be more true than I suspect.  Either way, I went light at 135.  Only really screwed up one squat, came forward on my toes, but other than that solid.  I did spend a bit too much time at the bottom of the squat, I need to work on that... I don't have a good explosiveness at all.  Putting it on the list. 

The WOD was nasty... top 10.  I wanted to lay down afterwards.  20 minute AMRAP.  7 burpees, 5 power cleans at 185, and 3 MUs.  I did 115...which is higher than I've gone before for a WOD like this before.  The MUs scaling was jumping pullups, and after each one, a hand release pushup.  Even used a 6" "box" to give the full effect.... used the same hang, then jump that I did on the rings with Fran a week ago.  I really hate these... I hope they're doing something more than making me tire.  HA! 

I didn't think this was going to be as bad as it was.  I did better than I thought I was going to do with the burpees.  The stepping up didn't start coming in until the third round.... and it wasn't every one after that too, still did a lot of jumping.  Feels like a good thing.  The cleans were never truly difficult.  I woulda should coulda done 135 at least.  thats not to say they weren't difficult at times, but it was never "too heavy".  The jumping pullups... those bisches were difficult.  Hanging, and then jumping, from a "box" that wasn't fully box, so it was like jumping out of sand.  I started with my chin over the bar, but by the end... not so much.  I tired to do good hand release pushups.  Ended up doing deficit pushups, and then pushing up with as solid a plank position as I could.  More and more getting up off the ground.  Probably what made this workout so nasty. 

Ended up with 5 rounds and 3 reps.  Not amazing, but not bad.

Went to Wal-Mart afterwards for food... Looked like I jumped in the pool with my clothes on.... kinda felt like it too.  Whats funny is it's like a 5-10 minute drive from the box, and I sat in the car for at least another 5 minutes looking at social media and what not... started sweating sweating walking around the store anyway.  Sign of a good workout I guess. 

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