Wednesday, March 18, 2015

You know you're tired when....

Been a long couple of days.  I didn't get back to 15.3 again, those New Balance (NBs) just destroy my quads when I do wallballs in them.  I'm certain they mess up my form... they have to, my lifters don't leave me like that, so something changes when I use them...  and speaking of the lifters, WOD I did yesterday, had some jumping in it.... did better with the lifters on than I did with the NBs.

Moving on, don't have a lot of time to update this today... would have done it last night, but I got back from the box, went to iHop, had a chicken fajita omlette, got back to the hotel room, fell on the bed, didn't wake up till 2, changed into pj's and went right back to sleep, hence the title you know you're tired when...

Actually did yesterdays WOD at 0545.  Nice and early.  I got back to DE around 10pm on Monday, and didn't have a chance to work out then, and I knew I wasn't going to sleep all that well, so I decided to set the alarm early... and I was right.  I didn't sleep all that well... at all.... sucked really, but oh well.  Got to the box, pretty quick WOD, which suited my needs for Tuesday morning just fine.  Unlocked is utilizing the Jim Wendler 5-3-1 method for power cleans, and that was the strength part.  5 @ 75, 3 @ 85, and max reps at 95% of the training max.  I actually did them as squat cleans... I want to get better at those, so I did it as those.  Only got two done on the max before I let go of the bar, probably had a bit more in the tank.  Looking back today on it, I'm glad I did... later last night when I went back to the box (who wants to just sit in a hotel room?), my wrists were a little sore... still working on them. 

Second part of the WOD was this workout that means a little something to everyone who's done it.  I guess it was part of a competition at a local affiliate when everyone had just started, and they all sucked at it.  5 deadlifts at 225, 14 double unders 5 rounds.  For them in Rehoboth, not a single person got done with 4 rounds by the 5th minute.  Last night, most everyone had it beat in less than half that allotted time... impressive to see the gains.  For me, I did the deadlifts at 205, and tried to hit 28 singles.  Took me 5:59.  Got tired on the singles, but was able to do more of them, consistently, in the lifters.... should have worn them for 15.3... anyway. 

That was it.  Short WOD, was able to get back, get the grocery shopping done in the morning... good start to the day yesterday. 

"Quick" updates/shoutouts

Thanks Dave P for the texts when I wasn't around.  At one point he asked if I was injured due to the fact I hadn't posted in about a week.  Nice to know people read this, and that they care.  Doesn't surprise me in the least, but it does remind me of that old business axiom I've heard many times.... "people don't care how much you know till they know how much you care". 

Paleo reboot is going pretty well, it's not perfect, but it's miles better than it was before. 

Getting off the punch cards at Unlocked, going to become a full fledged member.  Financially I can't keep going upstate DE every week to see CFDS, going to have to cut it to bi-weekly at best, which sucks for seeing them, but I'm in great hands at Unlocked, and from a WOD standpoint, this adds a bit more consistency to my workouts. 
Got some good conversation in with the Navarres, got some info I needed about the shirts they make/sell, and the website in general.  Good peoples, give them a look

I'd have more to tell you, but I'm back at work from 3 weeks home on paternity leave, and life is busy at the moment :) 

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