Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Short and sweat, cause we ain't doing sweet around here right now.

Tonight was fun.  I forget what the workout was named online, but the whiteboard called it a Monster Tabata.  4 stations, 4 rounds, 40 seconds work with 20 rest.  I really don't like these... cause the rest is a lie.  LOL.  Diving right into it, 4 stations, situps, slam balls (or ball slams if you're Ali), calorie rows, and Russian twists.  There were just enough of us that we couldn't all be on the same things at once, and while I was really thinking about the rower, the fact that that would have put the Russian twists and THEN situps... so no... There isn't much to describe with the workout... the ball slam and twists were rough, I struggled holding the slam ball, might be dry hands?  Ended up with a 181, lowest score in the box, not by much though, and I was RX, so I'm happy with the score.

On to other things, my wrist...  still tender, but I rolled it out a lot on a lax ball between work calls... so it hurts to touch it, I'm hoping a night of sleep and a day of rest will take care of it.  Thought about doing the 0545 WOD tomorrow before I fly home, but I saw HSPU's and clean and jerks... and I'd like to have a wrist to use for 15.4, whatever it is. 

Had a chance to bust up the diet today, got a dinner invite with some of Unlockeds finest.  I really wanted to go, but I'm sticking to the paleo principles of my previous success.  Staying strong, plus, I had already ordered some food from Carla...and aside from the iHop omelet yesterday, it's the best thing I've had all week. 

Thats all I've got for now, got some work to do before bed.  :)

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