Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Got my wrist wraps...after the WOD I needed them for.

Man, I really need to get back to a getting a good nights sleep.  Less than 7 hours Monday night, and around 6 hours last night, and I can certainly tell today, I feel it, and it feels me... kinda sad really, moving on.  Ug.  Decided to forgo Unlocked last night, and made the trek to Diamond State to see some old friends...and do wallballs.  Totally for the wallballs.

Everyone likes to receive a complement.  Not long after getting in and getting some hello's going, Coach Randi comes up and tells me I'm looking good.  I must have been sucking in my gut, but she said it twice, and frankly, it felt effing awesome to hear, regardless of how I feel about it, something is shining through to others, and thats pretty sweet.  Thanks Randi!

Hopping right into it, I didn't do a very good warmup, chatted with more folks instead of rowing running, and then hopped into the group warmup.  Shame on me.  In that same breath, I'm glad I did it, it's nice to catch up with the family.

Got through our warmups and started working towards a heavy full (squat) clean and then another front squat following (don't know if this complex has a name).  My wrists are tender from Monday, so I wanted to borrow some wraps from Andy... should say I was going to borrow some, but he got occupied with some with some brand new folks and their lifting, and really, I can't blame him, you gotta take care of the new people.

With a large class, we partnered up to get through the strength part (the clean).  My man Dustin Simmons was here this week, and we partnered up... always worried about partner WODs with Dustin, especially after the first time.  Oh well, no time to worry.  We started packing on the plates pretty quick and it got pretty heavy.  I have to be honest, I wasn't mentally strong enough for it.  It got heavy, and I used my fear of my wrist to stop trying once it got heavy.  Dustin kept going, and pulled some heavier weight.  I don't know how far he got, I was busy having a small pity party.  I really wanted to hit a PR last night.  Oh well, I'll settle for matching my PR with a bummy wrist.  :)  In other words I'm not THAT upset.  Did get some wraps from Dicks Sporting Goods tonight.  Let you know what I think after a few uses.  They were inexpensive, hopefully that doesn't mean they're cheap. 

Moving on, it was looking to be a nasty ascending ladder AMRAP for 12 minutes... but again, we had a large class, so it became another partner workout... now I'm worried.  New workout, 12 minutes, 4 of each movement, as soon as your done, partner goes.  4 wallballs, 4 deadlifts, 4 boxjumps (or stepups).  I looked around, told Dustin I wanted to beat the girls (his wife and Dr. J).  Had a goal, and then I didn't even check my work against that goal the whole workout, more on that in a second. 

Dustin went first, FLEW through the thing.  My first though was "oh shit"... I Jumped right into the wallballs.  Felt different than 15.2, but it's still 20lbs, and I knew this was going to be a fight.  Deadlifts weren't too bad at 135, and the stepups... I had to drop the box on its side (from 24" that Dustin was doing) to 20"... and it still seemed tall as heck.  Done with round one.  I didn't even bother looking at the clock, I'm pretty sure we got it done in less than a minute.  As he started the 2nd round, I got the box back up to where he could jump, and by the time I turn around, he's already flying through the deadlifts and I practically have to jump out of his way before he gets to the box jumps.  More expletives are going through my head.  After two rounds I'm breathing hard, but the workout (as designed) I might add, is pushing me to make sure my partner isn't waiting around for long, and it's clearly pushing Simmons.

After 3 rounds, I'm hurting, but still moving at a decent pace, Dusty... hardly slowed a step.  I've noticed something now, he demolishes these deadlifts... and they aren't bad for me weight wise, but damn I'm slow.  Something I've learned fairly recently is that you move as fast as you train, and I've been training way too slow, and every time I tried to go faster, my form would get ugly, like real ugly.  Rounded back...  crappy pulls... etc etc.  So I kept going slow.  After 4 rounds, my breath is ragged, and I want this to be over.  5 rounds, and my quads start burning, I'm suffering all over now.  6 rounds, and I'm autopilot, trying not to think about the pain.  Round 7 was bout the same, then I looked at the clock.  8 minutes and change gone?  That it?!?!  Dang! 

Typically it's survival of the fittest, but for me it's just survival at this point.  I'm going as fast as I can now, it hurts, it burns, it sucks.  I get done with round 10... less than a minute left, good, we're almost done.  Dustin flys through at nearly the same speed as the first round... 3 seconds left on the clock, I got in 1 more wallball before time was called.  I'm spent.  Happy I didn't just say welp, we're done, but I actually grabbed the ball and tossed it.  Also pleased that I 'Stopped Stopping', I'm getting better, slowly, but surely.  

Great workout, but man that sucked more than I thought it would.  Funny story, I'd love to have another shot at it, in a few months.  This was no where near as bad as our first partner WOD, and frankly, I think we've made a breakthrough in it.  I'm not as fast as he is, but I'm not as slow as I used to be.  Reminds me, he paid me a complement today as well, while doing the cleans, he made a comment about my mobility, he was suitably impressed.  I guess I move pretty good for a big guy ;)

We didn't beat the girls.  They got us by 7 or 10 movements, I don't remember.  Thats probably my biggest disappointment of the evening.  I never did look over and check our progress against my goal.  If I had, I might have gone a little faster... maybe.  #getfaster

Parting thought for the morning, and something I meant to post last time...  I've finally gotten to the place where I don't have to eat crappy food just because I bough it.  I had a sandwich I got from the grocery store last night, and after a few bites, decided it was just too dang much bread, and stopped eating it, got something else on the way back from the box.  Used to just finish the food regardless, but frankly, I've got goals to meet, and that way of thinking isn't going to cut it anymore.

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