Saturday, March 7, 2015

Increasing my capacity

Let me just say upfront, that my wrists hurt.  I need to invest in some wraps, this WOD dominated my wrists in a bad way... I might mention this again later... so my apologies upfront if I say it too many times. 

I'm starting to like this Sat AM workouts, feels like it gets my day started off right.  I didn't get enough sleep, but I was awake enough to see it was 0700, and I might as well get up, the extra 2 hours of sleep might or might not happen (I was already hot), so what the heck, leggo!

IDK if this is becoming a needed norm, but I like the extra 30 minutes + before a workout to get everything loose and ready.  My pre-warmup if you will.  Do my classic Unlocked warm up of pvc pass throughs, a few good mornings, maybe some around the world things, some spiderman stretching, some of another kind of hip stretch... and I'm good, ready for the world most days... but lately I've been adding on a lot of shoulder mobility, so I'll take a band and wrap it around the pullup part of the rig, then kinda sit back... I don't remember what this is called, but I like to do that one a few times each, then another thing that helps with rack mobility... doorway stretches, some oly wall stretching... I do a lot of stuff, and it's seems to have a good deal of benefit for me. 

Workout looked fun when I saw it late last night... I'm ready to get started.  Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes, doing 2 front squats (6 sets).  1-2 at 75-80, 3-4 at 80-85, 5-6 at 85-90.  Pain point 1 for the wrists as everything gets heavier.  The last 3 sets really took the cake, I'd pop off the bar and be shaking my wrists... I did pretty well overall, as it got heavier, the sucken chest, bending over happened a little more.  I worked on pushing up from my elbows first, then my heels, and it straightened my up most of the time, but I did have 1 bad one in the whole set that was fugly.  Improving!

Next up, power cleans.  1 rep ever 90 seconds, going up by 5% of the 1RM, starting at 60% and going up.  At first this was fun, but then it got heavy quick.  Last two sets were at 90%.  Me, being the dummy I was, jumped by 10 near the end, and my 85 was actually 95... so I had to go get different plates to fix that.  I knew it was going to do that... and I did it anyway, and it would have been fine had I hit it, but I didn't, and my body called me on my own BS.  Feel good, what next... oh yeah, a timed clean... and I should go ahead and say these are all squat cleans, so more front squattin!  After our ladder, we jumped right into this set for time:

3 Squat Cleans @ 80-85% of 1-RM
5 Squat Cleans @ 75-80%
7 Squat Cleans @ 70-75%

I flubbed once in the set of 5, only had 4, and I wanted badly to just move on... but I didn't, I kept with it, and got it, and the 7 done.  I was dead last, and I'm dead tired now, my wrists are kaput, I've had a good workout.  Oh, there is still time left in the class... oh... damn, now we're at the workout...

This was a great opportunity to dig deep.  We broke it up into partners, one is resting while the other one is working, it looked like this:

3 rounds for max reps of:
60 seconds of Kettlebell Swings (70/55 kg)
Rest 60 seconds
60 seconds of Push-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
60 seconds of Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
Rest 60 seconds
60 seconds of Push Press (115/75 lbs)
Rest 60 seconds

I went with a 55 on the KBs, and 20" on the box (I miss the 18" at Unlocked), and I wanted to do 95 on the bar.  Partnered with this guy Zach, he was all about that 115... whatever, lets do it!  I knew that was going to be a problem later, but I did it anyway.

The KB swings were Russian, but 55 is still the heaviest I've done, so this wasn't going to be easy by any stretch.  Zach did the full 70, ended up with just under 40, I didn't put it down and I almost hit 30... not a pace I can keep up at this rate.  My wrists are smoked and I'm winded... this is going to suck for 3 rounds.  My princess pushups were bad... I mean I kept a tight core, so they were good, but by the end of 60 seconds, my arms were wobbling... the "jump overs" or step overs for me... that extra 2" for that box, my goodness.  I found myself wishing for something shorter.  Finally, out of gas, and it's the push press... I'm coming around to how this is supposed to work, I didn't figure it out in the first round, but by the second, I was pushing my head through at the top of the press, and they looked be...  they felt (to me) like they looked better. 

Bit of a miscommunication, Zach thought we were done at 1 round.  LOL.  He lost a good 15 seconds of KB swings before he had his "ah ha" moment.  I didn't have the heart to tell him there were more... makes me a bad teammate in some respects, but in my defense, I was still looking for one of my lungs on the floor.  Round 2 showed a significant drop in numbers, so round 3 I tried to make it up in some areas.  KB swings got broken up.. .really, everything but the box step overs got broken up.  The pushups were the worst...maybe worse than the push press.  I was doing half the depth I needed, and still nearly failing every single one. 

In the end, it sucked... and I'd say it hurt my feelings...but this one didn't hurt my feelings, it just hurt.  Alissa Sweetman from CFDS posted about her workout today, using the hashtag #ifeeldisrespected  That seems apt for this.  I worked harder, and did more weight than I wanted to do, and I pushed out of my comfort zone...  I have increased my capacity, my tolerance for harder workouts... I'm getting better, and thats awesome... doesn't help my wrists though.  :)

Going to look at wrist straps and a sweatband or two over the coming weeks.  I've been given the names of a gal in KC that does the straps, and I think I'm going to pull the trigger on a Halo sweatband... I might even review them and let you know what I think. 

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