Friday, March 20, 2015


The aftermath is ugly.  My wrists are back to being super tender..... and really, I'm not surprised, two of the movements from the day I first irritated them were on todays workout.  Push press, and (power) cleans.  Brian did have a 'loaner' set of wrist wraps that he had me try on... and they felt lovely.  Like I kinda wish I was wearing them now level of lovely.  I will be doing this workout again, and I will have wrist wraps.  Not that I think the wraps will help my score, but I think they'll save my wrists from another night of pain and suffering. 

15.4 scaled is 10 push press at 95lbs, 10 power cleans at 115.  Neither are max efforts, but 95lbs has been my standard overhead weight for a while, and 115 on a clean isn't going to break my bank, it's not exactly light either.... in other words, this should be a good workout, something that pushes me but wont break me. 

I didn't warmup with the rest of the 530 class. I got there early and worked my normal warmup, then warmed up for the workout on my own.  Not sure if that hurt, helped, or impacted my score, but I felt ready to go when we started.  I jumped right in, Brian said before the start, the goal should be 5 or 6 rounds.  This is almost DOUBLE what I thought I was going to do... I was aiming for 50, 60, or maybe 75... 5 rounds would be awesome.  He encouraged us to do the push press all unbroken.... having done plenty of wods at 95lbs overheard, I'm suddenly concerned.  Too late now, it's go time. 

First round was fast, I DID get my push press unbroken.  Felt good, but that last one was a little bit of a struggle.  No time to dwell, turn around and grab the clean.  I dropped the bar almost every clean the whole workout.  Don't know if this is a bad idea or not, figure it saves a little on the impact of taking it to the ground, but there is the lost time from having to grab the bar again... might have to do some touch and go next attempt, but back to this one.... second set of push press, and I got to 7 before I dropped the bar.  Jill is counting me, but she's also coaching at be a bit.  "Get back to the bar", "Stop stepping so far back", "Lets go, you got this".  Helped me a few times for sure, and I stopped taking steps back from the bar. 

Third round saw me breaking up the push press 4-3-3, and that last set of 3 was rough, I left the bar in the air for the last press, just to make sure I was good.  At this point I'm sucking air so bad, taking lots of mini breaks... and I mean mini, two deep breaths then back at it.  I don't know where they happened, but a few of these cleans were ugly... like that "u g l y you aint got no alibi; you ugly"  type of ugly.   But they counted!  The last set of push press I got in went 3-3-2-2.  Survival was the name of the game.  I only looked at the clock twice in the workout, one time was around 4:40something, and then again before that last set of 2 on the press.  Turned and grabbed the bar and banged out 3 touch and go, thought I had heard someone way 10 seconds so I pushed through them.  Then I looked over my shoulder, 7 seconds left.  Dammit!  So I pulled two more before being done.  Chest heaving, I'm done, and I feel great/awful. 

I doubt I'm the only person who can find that extra gear at the end... and I need to harness that next time I go.  Push harder throughout, but also watch the clock a little more.  I ended up with 75.  More than I initially though, but having done it, I want more.  Texted Dave P, he beat me.  Checked in on Justin, he beat me too.  Can't be having that.  The vid Justin was kind enough to put online showed his cleans, and he was touch and go.  If that was his later rounds, he's doing alright, but if that was just him in the beginning, then I know I can beat him.  He posted a 77... so it's definitely manageable.  I'm aiming for 82.  I think I'm going to get it done at Unlocked too.  Looking forward to it. 

Eating has been good, not great since I got home.  I was FAMISHED coming off the plane.  I had a steamer yesterday morning, then nothing till the airport, so I got a smoothie/shake thing from Java Juice.  Held me over till I got home... 4 pieces of cold pizza as soon as I got home, then it was out the door.  The silver lining is that it was a medium pizza.  LOL  Today was good, not great.  Dinner they had some sort of spaghetti, and after 15.4, I didn't care, I pushed pretty hard, I'll be back in the box tomorrow most likely, so I ate it.  I'll admit it... it was Gooooooood too. 

Last thought of the night... the lifters are half dead.  The tongue on the shoe that is ripping is at the halfway point to being clean off.  I hope they make it to July. 

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