Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Well poo...

Oh lawd!  Another long day at work today, but it was only 12 hours, instead of 14 hours like yesterday.  I'm a wee bit tired, but, I DID get to Unlocked.  I was late, and I really hate being late.  Good news for me was everyone was till warming up.  Well, they were just finishing up the stretching, and then they were starting their warmup movements?  I don't know what to call them, but it was the stuff past dynamic stretching. 

Yeah, so I started doing the dynamic stretching, and would do some of the warmups, but it was a lot of work, I was already pooped, and getting everything warm seemed like a better idea at the time.  My knees are a bit achy this morning, so I can tell you now that I didn't do enough... need to work on that.  Still think the Oly stretch on the wall is my best warmup for squatting, but that doesn't really do that much for the knees... does it? 

So I get started, we've got a lot of lifting to do today.  I'm ready, I'm excited, I want to work out some of my work issues with the bar and weights.  It's a demanding workout.

2x3 squat clean at 85%
2x6 squat clean at 70%
2x9 squat clean at something else...
2x12  power clean 55%
2x 15 power clean  45%? 

And there was  more stuff than that, this was just the strength/skill part.  I can't really tell you about it, because I didn't get there.  I warmed up to my 85%, and was ready to get started.  Got 1, then 2, then on the third clean, I paused at the bottom.  Now, a pause at the bottom isn't weird or necessarily strange, but this time was different.  You see, my stomach was playing the part of Judas tonight, and now there was some uncertainty in my bowel continence... in other words, I had stomach problems.

So I'm sitting here, at the bottom of a squat, with the bar in the front rack positions... and I've got choices to make.  Really, it's what choices to make, but what muscles to engage first to that I don't have any problems while getting up.  It didn't really occur to me to just drop the bar, I had to get up... And I did.  And then I went to the bathroom for a while.  I came back out, tried it again, and made it to the set of 2x6, and had it again.  So I called it short.  Crappy workout, pun intended. 

Hope to get back to Unlocked tonight, try again. 

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