Wednesday, December 10, 2014


So I'm driving to the box tonight, feeling alright.  Battling that sleepy feeling most people get between 2 and 5pm... and I'm pretty close...then it happens.  Felt like I took a shot from a pro boxer on the right side of my stomach.  I did not feel good... I got to the box feeling like I was losing @ life.  Told Jeff bout that feeling... and that I was going to go through warmups, see where that left me.
Made it through the pain, and the warmup... I actually punked out of the warmup.  It looked like running, so, being in my lifters, I was like I'll be over here.... rowing.  Dave had them do a life sized version of the game hungry hippos.... it doesn't scale quite like you'd think.  :)  It was 4 corners, teams of 2.  Bear crawl to the middle of the room, grab a wall ball, then, with the wallball on your stomach and crab walk back.  Looked fun, but I was doing just fun on my rower.  By the time they were done...or the time I stopped, I had a 1k done in 4:30.  Not terribly fast, but I wasn't really pushing with the spectacle I was watching before me. 

Pain is gone, it's go time.  The strength/skill part was an 8 minute EMOM of 4 barbell lunges and 10 bar jump overs.  Every minute.  My lunges are bad... I don't get all the way down on one knee... not even close.  My squats are slowly getting heavier... but even with that, I'm still a lot of dude to pick up with one leg, add a barbell of weights....I did try.  Quads were on instant fire.  The the jump overs... not even close to two footed.  I'm in my lifters, and I'm trying... by the end of the EMOM, I want to just fall over and cry...but my flatfooted feet hurt more than than anything else.  So I settled for taking off my lifters and getting ready for the METCON... 17 minute AMRAP.  Goody!

Simple AMRAP today.  3 power snatches, 6 chest 2 bar pullups, 9 pushups.  Every 2 minutes, you stop and work 3 front squats.  Knowing all this, I went with a 95lb bar.  I might have been able to do RX at 135, but thats over my known 1RM for a snatch of any kind, and the last thing I want to do is destroy my shoulders in a bad way. 

This was a bad workout for me.  I didn't do particularly well in my mind, and it wore me out.  I feel like I rested a lot, even with the scaling options... I mean the girly pushups I'm doing... arms still hurt as I type this.  It was a lot of pushups, with me trying to do them with as little "butt in the air" moves as I could (as in hold that plank down and up).  The front squats messed me up pretty good.  The 5th one was it for my wrists, I was done.  Told Jeff that my wrist were shot, he make that shut it down gesture... idk how to explain it... hold out your arm with your palm in the air, bend it at the elbow, and bed your wrist so you see your finger with the put your fingertips close to your neck, and shake back and forth... that gesture.  I shake my head, ask about doing back squats instead, he nods the affirmative, and we keep going. 

I only got 5+1 in... not exactly a great time or speed, but I didn't quit.  We're calling that a win after today.  I'll explain that.  Didn't get much sleep.  Not because I didn't try to get sleep, but I was worried about waking up to my alarm for some I tossed and turned all damn night.  #gofigure  Lots of big shots at the facility today, so had that added stress.... it's just been meh... sleep does that, or lack thereof does it. 

DID get my paleo goodnees today.  Even had some artwork on it.  Peep this

Even had a picture of someone doing snatches... I know it's not me, I wasn't smiling.  Thanks again Carla!  Food hit the spot. 

Need to figure out Establish and On Track this weekend.  I'd really like to just pay a drop in fee when I show up rather than dropping a full 10 day punch card... need to email Heath and see if that is an option.  Going to try to stop by On Track as well this weekend as well, meet the owners maybe, see what's what.  Wish me luck. 

 On, last thing, got blood on my lifters tonight.  Battle tested!  Not sure what happened, but I scratched my right leg, below the knee, inside area.  Dripped a little during the METCON, had to clean that up.  Have to admit, felt a little bit like a bad ass.  Anyways... just sharing.  LOL

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