Tuesday, December 9, 2014

It's ok to change your mind

I know I do.  Not all the time, but often enough, but more on that in a minute.  Don't think I mentioned it yesterday, but my paleo super chef and I missed our connection yesterday.  Things happen, not worried about that... but gave me the opportunity to eat a decent sized veggie tray last night.  Which would have been better if my stomach didn't declare war this morning.  Reminds me of  a joke my mom told me... in the 90's?  What do you call a vegetarian with diarrhea?  A salad shooter!!

Quality potty humor never gets old.  Reminds me of another joke...

Moving on.

Made the drive to Diamond State tonight.  Rain, mist, and a Nor'easter up north... undeterred.  Even made good time.  Got there plenty early to see some friendly old faces.  Saw some people on the rowers, and it didn't make sense.  These are some strong mofo's, and they're rowing already?  Let me take a step back, the WOD was a EMOM AMRAP... and I couldn't figure out why these guys were on the rowers, I thought I'd be able to do it... more on this in a minute too. 

So, catch up with a few people, coaches I don't get to see often, some I do...  Good times.  Its about minute 16 into the 20 minute AMRAP that I come to understand why all these folks are on the rowers.  You see, I had thought the EMOM of hang cleans, burpees, and wall balls happened separate...ie hang cleans for that minute, next minute was the burpees, then wall balls... which is why I couldn't believe these jokers were rowing (you had to row once you couldn't get the EMOM completed)... it wasn't till the 16th minute that I realized you had to do all 3 in a minute.  FML. 

I thought I'd get to the end, or close... now I'm like jeeze, I'm going to make it to round 6.  Maybe.  LOL.  No time to worry about that.  First we're working up to a heavy 2 rep thurster (4 times) 

Worked in a crew of 3, semi slowly getting up to a "heavy" weight.  Think we only made it to 135... but that was heavy for me tonight.  Funny to me since I can push press 185...ish  and front squat 205.  And thrusters are basically those two put together... Eh well.  Got that done, some panting, I'm tired.  Hotel was too hot last night, and that was with my box fan set on high. 

AMRAP time... sheeet.  Wait.  Whats this?  Oh we're changing it?  Well I think thats good... didn't want to row for 15 minutes anyway.  Too many people to have the rowers as an option.  So we're partnering up.  EMOM still, but every other minute, you get to rest.  Only real change is try to get more than one round in each set.  AMRAP still applies.  Ok, cool. 

So 10 rounds of 3 hang power cleans, 4 burpees, 5 wall balls... basically a lot of the same crap I did last night... This is the scaled version by the way.  LOL.  I let Mark go first... minute goes fast.  I didn't do the hang cleans I wanted to... I wanted to make sure I had something light enough to get through this thing with some speed.  95lb power cleans... once or twice I pulled the bar up high enough, quick enough, and out of control enough to catch me in the neck... lol.  That didn't last too long though. 

Burpees... I worked harder tonight...even harder than last night.  I didn't want to step up at all.  I ended up doing it once... maybe twice.  Not bad for the whole time.  Found my last set was better than all my previous ones.  Not sure what that was about, guess I just wanted to make sure I finished.

Wall balls... well they were wall balls.  I feel like I did those better than I did last night at unlocked... still have Jeff in my ear about staying up tall, and I think I did pretty good with it.  The fact I was in my lifters may have helped. 

So, the changing my mind thing.  I had just finished round 8.  I was hurting.  Breathing was shallow... trying to get better at gulping it down in a slower, deeper way, but the first 30 seconds of recovering are panting at best.... and I'm feeling this pain.  Feel like someone took a barbell at jabbed me just under the ribs.  My man Andy Paller is nearby...  I describe it to him, and I tell him I think I might be taking this next set off to gather myself.  I'm committed.  He's silent, still looking over everyone, making sure their form is right.  I feel like a dummy after having said it.  I've take a few more breaths by now, I feel a little better.  Fuqq it, I'm grabbing the bar.  The only thing he says is "you've come this far" and he's back to walking, and I'm back on the power cleans. 

Proudest moment of the past few weeks.  Strong burpees... maybe the strongest yet.  Didn't quit on myself, so we'll say I got a little bit stronger mentally.  Felt good.  Coaches are good for those extra pushes though... Jeff and Andy.  Not quite two peas in a pod, but maybe in the pod's next to each other.  Makes sense since they grew up more or less together from the few stories I've gotten.  Lucky to have them both as coaches.  Really, all the coaches I've gotten the chance to chat with, WOD with, or otherwise talk with have been pretty awesome.  So if you find yourself at CrossFit Diamond State, CrossFit Unlocked, or CrossFit Establish, you'll be in great hands. 

Parting thought, I'm ready for Friday, but not just because it's Friday.  I'll be home, and I can get to the office early, get a chance to swing by the gym at work, hop on a scale and see what the past 3 weeks have accomplished.  Really wanting to hit that big 50 (lbs lost) before the end of the year.  Until then...

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