Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The saga continues...

Oh wow.  First thing I'll say is this paleo buffalo chicken Carla made... fantastic.  I was so hungry after the WOD, I ate half of it on the way home.  Cold, no silverware, just bare handed.  Delicious.  Got back to the room, put it in the microwave for 30 seconds, and it was even better... so good. 

Ok, now that I've said that, it's time to talk about putting in some work.  I didn't bring my lifters tonight, I really should have.  So I come in my busted ass Asics.  I figured I could do this WOD in them with minimal fuss.  And I may have been right, but our warmup changed my mind, so I'm glad I had the New Balances with me. 

I did my warmup, got my hips and shoulders mobilized, and then Jeff gathers us around.  Another box member has had a birthday, so our warmup was in honor of her... Partner workout of 100 wallballs.  !@#$  Now I really wish I did have my lifters.  There was one other stipulation, you had to do it in sets of 10 each, and swap with the ball in the air.  If it hits the ground, both have to do burpees.  I didn't want to do burpees.  At all.  LOL.  So Shannon grabs the 20lb WB and we begin.  I don't think I've ever done 50 WB's, and certainly not at 20lbs.  This hurt.  Shannon took it in stride, he does RX or close to it every time I see it.  For me... it was rough.  We didn't drop the ball though, but man I was slow those last two rounds. 

I'm sweating.  Profusely.  I'm tired.  My feet hurt, so no Asics, grabbed the New Balance.  WOD tonight is 3 consecutive 5 minute AMRAPS.

5 minute AMRAP of:
6 reps of back squat at 95 lb 
6 reps of bastard 
5 minute AMRAP of:
6 reps of push press at 95 lb 
6 reps of pistol 
5 minute AMRAP of:
6 reps of back squat at 95 lb 
6 reps of bastard 

With my legs already burning from the wallballs, this should be easy... right?  Lets be honest, this thing is nasty. 

The first round was arguably the best, and I only got 2+7.  The squats started pretty well, deep, fairly upright.  The first set of burpees weren't bad either.  After that... lol.  I need to keep laughing...  makes it hurt less.  The second set saw deep squats, but my chest was coming down.  I didn't mind, but Jeff was watching me close.  Wants me to keep that chest high.  The third set, I wasn't going very deep, I'd given up, did it Jeffs way.  I'm not going to say they were bad from a depth perspective, but I know they weren't where I wanted to be. 

Moving on, my shoulders are still a bit smoked from Tuesday.  These push presses were painful, and heavy.  Who'd have thought 95lbs, half of my 1RM, would be so heavy today.  But getting through these was easy.  The pistols, after the wallballs, after the squats...  yeah right.  I did a new modification, had one foot a bit back, about like split jerk, and then descend on the forward leg.  My balance needs work, so this was difficult, but for that reason and not because it was heavy... I mean it was heavy, but I struggled as much with staying upright.  Ended up with 3+1.  10 minutes in, chest heaving, and it's on to round 3.

Working out in front of me is Wayne, he's crushing it.  To my left is Adam, known as Big Ticket, he's doing a different workout with 3 others... it looks about as fun as mine. 

Third round was brutal.  My squats felt like my HSPU yesterday... shallow and weak.  I kept the chest tall though, and tried to go deeper every lift.  I will beat this at some point.  I wont bore you with the suffering.  I got a little stronger in the end when getting up from the bottom of the burpee.  It's not a lot of speed, but it's something I pushed for, and it's something I can measure.  Final for the round, and even 2. 

I'm dead.  I'm almost to the point I can't breath.  I sat on a box, and struggled to catch my breath.  I don't remember ever being like this.  More than once I wondered if I'd start seeing black on the edges of my vision.  Never happened, but I was looking hard for it. 

CrossFit is a funny thing.  The moment I finally got enough breath to do or say anything, I'm yelling encouragement to Ticket since he's still going in his WOD.  I'm not trying to get more air, I'm not cleaning up, I'm trying to motivate another athlete to go faster and further than he wants to... maybe CrossFit is just funny to me. 

I cleaned up my bar and then did our cash out of a 1 minute plank.  Had to break it up into 2 20 seconds and then 2 10 seconds.  I think it's better than any time before it, but I couldn't say what with much confidence.  I'm finally done.  I stick around for a while.  Try to help Brian put together a new rower...  it's really a one man job, so I did more watching than anything. 

Good workout, I'm tied, my quads hurt, and they're going to get beat up again tomorrow, I already know what we're doing.  Doesn't matter though, no time to cherry pick, need to get back to 3-4 times a week in a bad way.  Paleo is still going strong (thanks again Carla!).  The saga continues...

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