Saturday, November 29, 2014

Week in review

Been a busy week, holiday and all.  Didn't workout much, didn't fall off the eating plan much either though... well... I didn't take a nose dive off the wagon, how bout that instead.  Went to workout on Monday, it was a 1RM back squat day... and I felt good, like I could hit another PR on the same movement in 6 days.  Wasn't to be.  On the first set with only the bar, I felt a bit of a tug on my groin?  IDK exactly what it was, pretty sure it was a groin tendon/muscle.  Took some time to do some more oly stretching on the wall... calmed it down and was able to continue.  Got to 195, which felt plenty good, but I ran out of time with the additional stretching. 

Breaking down the bar, I felt a little.... something in my left knee, just to the inside of the kneecap.  Not sure what it was, but I decided to shut it down right there.  METCON had DU's, push-ups, and running... so no, little something with the knee, going to stop ya right there. 

Didn't go Tuesday, didn't Wednesday.  Wanted to on Thursday, but I stayed up to late with some friends, would have been nasty.  Think it was...Isabel, Grace, and Fran.  Guess they earned their dinner, those that did it.  Good on them.  Fast forward to Saturday, a day I don't normally go to the box... I went.

I knew I wasn't going to make it to the WOD, which was a push press, but that was ok.  I came with 2 goals in mind.  I wanted to PR my bench press and front squat.  I felt good this morning, had a good breakfast with Doc Cartwright, and then I was off.  My stated goal was getting both lifts weights into Club200.  I like Club200...could be The 200 Club or a few other things, but Club200 sounds good.  Anyway, that was the stated goal.  And I hit it.  :P

The front squat wasn't bad, but I haven't front squatted since I got the last PR (that I can recall), so I'm not really used to holding a front rack position while squatting.  As I got up there, it got heavy... I need to work on that.  And to Jeff Peet's coaching, I need to put some effort into the core to keep myself upright.  I had the plates on, ready to go.  Lifting that thing up, I had a bit of an ooompf moment.  Heavy.  The rack was strong coming off the rig, but as soon as I started dropping, it didn't hold up.  I hit bottom, and I'm holding this whole thing on my wrists/arms... I mean I think it's touching my chest, but thats it.  I power up and out of it... I can probably do more, but my wrists are toast, there is no way I can do another one AND bench, I just dont' see it.  So I stop.  205.  Box one checked. 

Strip the bar, on to the bench.  I still have a stigma with this... it's not really a big CrossFit movement that I've noticed over the past 7 months, but it was the first thing I did at EST that hot Friday seemingly so long ago.  Before that, I hadn't benched since... '05?  Idk, a while.  I know EST is doing the 1RM to finish up the sets they started 5 weeks ago, I'll be in DE, so I went for it today.  It got heavy quick.  Used the exact same weight increments as the front squats.  175 was pretty heavy, and wasn't far from my 1RM.  I put the 15's on anyway, but got a spot. 

Lifting it off the rack, it was heavy, but felt manageable... till I got it over my chest.  Felt like it would be very difficult to get up from the bottom, and it was.  After it touched the chest, I pushed as hard as I could.  So hard that I closed my eyes while pushing up.  This got Scott involved, I guess I went out a bit more with my left, and it looked shaky.  I felt him touch the bar to guide it back, and then I was up.  He tells me it was just to stabilize, but now I'm not sure I hit it... I've got a complex now.  LOL!  So I gave it a minute, tried again.  Needed the spot this time.  !!@#$  Took 5lbs off to make it an even 200... Failed again, paused too long at the bottom.  I'm done.  Scott, whom I call the professor, said he'd count that 1st one... so after some debate with myself, I will.  :D

That gives me 5 lifts of the 17 I want to be over 200.  Getting stronger, I love it. 

I'm moving.  EST is no longer going to be home, going to be further south west of EST, and it's just too far to drive when I'm in KC.  81 miles to CFDS when I'm in Delaware, no biggy, I'm not at home, I live in a hotel.  When I'm in KC, I like being home.  Got a good idea where I'm going to go, place called CrossFit On Track.  Got some good recommendations by my people in KC, so we're going to give them a go in about a month.  Even the nomad doesn't stay in one place in KC...

Big things to come, stay tuned!

Oh, last thing, just crossed 4k page views.  Cool to see, thanks for reading!

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