Thursday, November 6, 2014

I HATE being late to things...

Granted I left right on the razors edge to be on time, but the slowdowns in rush hour were ridiculous.  Let me pose a question to you.  Who's the bigger dick, the guy driving in a fast car who got pulled over, or the cop who pulled him over during rush hour.  I couldn't decide who I was more irritated with.  It didn't help that he pulled him over...or that the guy pulled over, just past the crest of the hill.  So the initial people coming over the hill probably slammed on their brakes... part in shock, and part to rubber neck... no one has ever seen anyone else pulled over before right? 

Sorry for the brief tangent.  That's why I was late, it frustrates me. 

It was ok though, we weren't doing a heavy WOD that needed me to be there on time (not an excuse, just saying it could have been worse).  And like I've written in here before... be on time.  It's just polite, good box etiquette, and... yeah. 

Bench Press.  Week two of the series of 5-4-3-2-1 RM's of the movements.  I'm still sore from Tuesday and Wednesday, and I didn't really want to go, felt borderline fatigued...  caught me during the METCON too. 

The 4RM was good, not great.  I equaled what I did for the 5 as far as weight goes (165 for both, that I remember anyway).  I miiiiight have gotten 175, I put it on the bar, but I lollygagged with getting a spot...and I was pretty shaky with the 165, so I stopped there.  There are some days I just don't feel all the strong, and today was one of them. 

The METCON today was a 3 movement set with 30 seconds rest between them, for 3 rounds.  Ring rows, rest, thrusters, rest, double unders rest, rinse, repeat.  This is where the fatigue was kicking in.  I didn't have much fun.  The ring rows were ok at first, but I've lost whatever form I thought I had, I think the break in them I had over the past month +... idk, maybe my concentration is just broke when it comes to them.  *shrugh*  Moved on to the thrusters.  Tried to go RX at 95lbs.   After 3, I asked the coach to bring me some 15lb plates, it was just too much for me to do quickly.  The second and third rounds I was able to double my first round... so it was probably the right call.  The DU's... I think I jumped more singles, and better singles today than any other time.  Maybe I found a better rope?  Reminds me, I STILL need to buy one...

Ended up with 183.  I wasn't happy with the number to begin with, I knew it wasn't a great effort, but it was what I had for the day.  Then I got to the whiteboard.  Next lowest person had over 300.  Think everyone did singles...  I'm not going to say I was crushed, but it made an already "meh" performance seem that much worse.  If I haven't told you, or you're just getting started with this blog, I hate losing.  A lot more than I hate being late.  I'd say I hate losing more than I like winning... if that makes sense.... so seeing myself get crushed by some housewives... gutted. 

But I'm ok.  Really. 

I'm getting better, and I know next time I'm going to do even better, and soon, I'll have a 183, but it will be RX with double unders.   Tomorrows WOD is up, it's a recovery day... I can probably do that at home.  Call it 50/50 me going up to the box tomorrow. 

Since I'm looking at moving, I've been shopping boxes... and I'm super disappointed with the first one I looked at.  I don't know about the community, but the programming is suspect to me.  I read this article about just that like 4 days ago, and I can't find it now to link it... but it talked about how people are now starting to care a bit more about programming than just community.  I think I'm falling in this boat a bit.  I love community, don't get that wrong, but 6 months in, programming means a lot more to me now than it did in the beginning.  I've been spoiled with really solid programming from my first 3 boxes, so I don't want to mess that up with what will be #4.  Know what I mean? 

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